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CV9Z,KAAKgjB,2BACLjK,aAAa/Y,KAAKqiB,MAAMnN,eAU5B8N,yBAA0B,WACjBhjB,KAAKqW,UAINzO,EAAQ6I,MAAM,wCACVzQ,KAAKqW,UAAUrV,OAAS,aAJ5B4G,EAAQ6I,MAAM,2DAObzQ,KAAKqW,WAAuC,IAA1BrW,KAAKqW,UAAUrV,SAIlChB,KAAKqW,UAAUrV,OAAS,GACxBhB,KAAKgkB,gBAAgB,GAGrBhkB,KAAKqW,UAAUrV,OAAS,GACxBuG,KAAK4d,IAAInlB,KAAKqW,UAAU,GAAGuB,IACvB5X,KAAKqW,UAAU,GAAGuB,KAAO5X,KAAK2H,QAClC3H,KAAKgkB,gBAAgB,MAI1Bpc,IAaV,SAAUjI,EAAMC,GACb,GAAsB,kBAAXC,UAAyBA,OAAOC,IASvC,MAAOF,GAAQgI,QAASC,OARxBhI,QAAO,qBAAsB,gBAAiB,SAAUqhB,GACpD,MAAOthB,GACHshB,EAAKtZ,QACLsZ,EAAKrZ,WAOnB7H,EAAM,SAAU4H,EAASC,GAmgBvB,MApeAD,GAAQyM,UAAY,SAAU8K,GAC1Bnf,KAAKqiB,MAAQlD,EACbnf,KAAKub,MAAQ,SAEb,IAAItH,GAAUkL,EAAWlL,OACzB,IAA+B,IAA3BA,EAAQ9S,QAAQ,QAA4C,IAA5B8S,EAAQ9S,QAAQ,QAAe,CAG/D,GAAIikB,GAAc,EAEkB,QAAhCjG,EAAWzM,QAAQyB,UAAkD,WAA7BxM,OAAO0d,SAASlR,SACxDiR,GAAe,KAEfA,GAAe,MAGnBA,GAAe,MAAQzd,OAAO0d,SAAS1E,KAEV,IAAzB1M,EAAQ9S,QAAQ,KAChBikB,GAAezd,OAAO0d,SAASC,SAAWrR,EAE1CmR,GAAenR,EAGnBkL,EAAWlL,QAAUmR,IAI7Bxd,EAAQyM,UAAUhO,WAOdkf,aAAc,WACV,MAAO1d,GAAO,QACVyJ,MAAS1J,EAAQU,GAAGY,QACpB4U,GAAM9d,KAAKqiB,MAAMxc,OACjB2f,QAAW,SAanBC,mBAAoB,SAAUxJ,EAAUyJ,GACpC,GAAIpD,EAMJ,IAJIA,EADArG,EAASO,uBACAP,EAASO,uBAAuB5U,EAAQU,GAAGW,OAAQ,SAEnDgT,EAASL,qBAAqB,gBAErB,IAAlB0G,EAAOthB,OACP,OAAO,CAQX,KAAK,GAND4P,GAAQ0R,EAAO,GAEf5H,EAAY,GACZtM,EAAO,GAGFxN,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAIgQ,EAAMlE,WAAW1L,OAAQJ,IAAK,CAC9C,GAAI2B,GAAIqO,EAAMlE,WAAW9L,EACzB,IAHK,wCAGD2B,EAAE+M,aAAa,SACf,KAEe,UAAf/M,EAAEyM,SACFZ,EAAO7L,EAAEojB,YAETjL,EAAYnY,EAAEyM,SAItB,GAAI4W,GAAc,0BAiBlB,OAdIA,IADAlL,GAGe,UAGftM,IACAwX,GAAe,MAAQlL,GAG3B9S,EAAQgJ,MAAMgV,GAGd5lB,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqBkO,EAAehL,GAC/C1a,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,iBACJ,GASX1E,OAAQ,aAURqB,SAAU,WAENzX,KAAK6lB,eAGL7lB,KAAK8lB,OAAS,GAAIC,WAAU/lB,KAAKqiB,MAAMpO,QAAS,QAChDjU,KAAK8lB,OAAOE,OAAShmB,KAAKimB,QAAQ3f,KAAKtG,MACvCA,KAAK8lB,OAAOI,QAAUlmB,KAAKmmB,SAAS7f,KAAKtG,MACzCA,KAAK8lB,OAAOM,QAAUpmB,KAAKqmB,SAAS/f,KAAKtG,MACzCA,KAAK8lB,OAAOQ,UAAYtmB,KAAKumB,oBAAoBjgB,KAAKtG,OAW1D+b,YAAa,SAAUE,GAEnB,GADYjc,KAAKylB,mBAAmBxJ,EAAUrU,EAAQiD,OAAOG,UAEzD,MAAOpD,GAAQiD,OAAOG,UAY9Bwb,mBAAoB,SAAUpT,GAC1B,GAAIxC,IAAQ,EAGR2B,EAAKa,EAAQ9D,aAAa,QACZ,iBAAPiD,GACP3B,EAAQ,4BACD2B,IAAO3K,EAAQU,GAAGY,UACzB0H,EAAQ,4BAA8B2B,EAG1C,IAAIqQ,GAAMxP,EAAQ9D,aAAa,UAO/B,OANmB,gBAARsT,GACPhS,EAAQ,8BACO,QAARgS,IACPhS,EAAQ,8BAAgCgS,IAGxChS,IACA5Q,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqB5P,EAAQiD,OAAOG,SAAU4F,GACzD5Q,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,iBACJ,IAYfyL,oBAAqB,SAAUnT,GAC3B,GAAuC,IAAnCA,EAAQtQ,KAAK3B,QAAQ,WAAqD,IAAlCiS,EAAQtQ,KAAK3B,QAAQ,SAAgB,CAG7E,GAAI2B,GAAOsQ,EAAQtQ,KAAK5B,QAAQ,mBAAoB,GACpD,IAAa,KAAT4B,EAAa,MAEjB,IAAI2jB,IAAc,GAAIhY,YAAYC,gBAAgB5L,EAAM,YAAYmf,eACpEjiB,MAAKqiB,MAAM/J,SAASmO,GACpBzmB,KAAKqiB,MAAM7J,SAASpF,EAAQtQ,MAGxB9C,KAAKwmB,mBAAmBC,IAExBzmB,KAAK+b,YAAY0K,OAElB,IAAwC,IAApCrT,EAAQtQ,KAAK3B,QAAQ,WAAkB,CAC9CnB,KAAKqiB,MAAM7J,SAASpF,EAAQtQ,MAC5B9C,KAAKqiB,MAAM/J,SAASlF,EACpB,IAAIsT,GAAUtT,EAAQ9D,aAAa,gBAC/BoX,IACA1mB,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqB5P,EAAQiD,OAAOU,SAAU,gDACzDvL,KAAKqiB,MAAMtO,QACX/T,KAAKqiB,MAAMpO,QAAUyS,EACrB1mB,KAAKyX,aAELzX,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqB5P,EAAQiD,OAAOG,SAAU,2BACzDhL,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,qBAEZ,CACH,GAAI6L,GAAS3mB,KAAK4mB,YAAYxT,EAAQtQ,MAClCyJ,GAAO,GAAIkC,YAAYC,gBAAgBiY,EAAQ,YAAY1E,eAC/DjiB,MAAK8lB,OAAOQ,UAAYtmB,KAAK6mB,WAAWvgB,KAAKtG,MAC7CA,KAAKqiB,MAAMtG,YAAYxP,EAAM,KAAM6G,EAAQtQ,QAYnDyX,YAAa,SAAUH,GACnB,GAAIpa,KAAK8lB,QAAU9lB,KAAK8lB,OAAOnC,aAAeoC,UAAUe,OAAQ,CACxD1M,GACApa,KAAKqiB,MAAM1J,KAAKyB,EAEpB,IAAI2M,GAAQlf,EAAO,SAAUyJ,MAAS1J,EAAQU,GAAGY,SACjDlJ,MAAKqiB,MAAM9J,UAAUwO,EACrB,IAAIC,GAAcpf,EAAQkJ,UAAUiW,EACpC/mB,MAAKqiB,MAAM5J,UAAUuO,EACrB,KACIhnB,KAAK8lB,OAAOnN,KAAKqO,GACnB,MAAOzkB,GACLqF,EAAQ8I,KAAK,iCAGrB1Q,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,iBAQfA,cAAe,WACXlT,EAAQ8I,KAAK,uCACb1Q,KAAK6lB,gBAOTe,YAAa,SAAUrN,GACnB,MAAO,YAAcA,EAAS,cASlCsM,aAAc,WACV,GAAI7lB,KAAK8lB,OACL,IACI9lB,KAAK8lB,OAAOiB,QACd,MAAOxkB,IAGbvC,KAAK8lB,OAAS,MASlBrK,YAAa,WACT,OAAO,GAQX4K,SAAU,WACFrmB,KAAKqiB,MAAMhN,YAAcrV,KAAKqiB,MAAM/M,eACpC1N,EAAQgJ,MAAM,iCACd5Q,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,iBAEXlT,EAAQ8I,KAAK,qBASrBiM,kBAAmB,SAAUX,GACzBpU,EAAQgJ,MAAM,wCACd5Q,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqB5P,EAAQiD,OAAOG,SAAU,wCACrDgR,IACAA,EAAYA,EAAU1V,KAAKtG,KAAKqiB,UAGpCriB,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,iBAQfR,qBAAsB,aAMtBE,kBAAmB,aASnB2L,SAAU,SAAUvV,GAChBhJ,EAAQgJ,MAAM,mBAAqBA,GACnC5Q,KAAKqiB,MAAM7K,qBAAqB5P,EAAQiD,OAAOG,SAAU,0EACzDhL,KAAKua,eAQTtE,QAAS,WACL,GAAInT,GAAO9C,KAAKqiB,MAAM3M,KACtB,IAAI5S,EAAK9B,OAAS,IAAMhB,KAAKqiB,MAAM7M,OAAQ,CACvC,IAAK,GAAI5U,GAAI,EAAGA,EAAIkC,EAAK9B,OAAQJ,IAC7B,GAAgB,OAAZkC,EAAKlC,GAAa,CAClB,GAAI2Y,GAAQ0N,CAER1N,GADY,YAAZzW,EAAKlC,GACIZ,KAAKulB,eAAevU,OAEpBlO,EAAKlC,GAElBqmB,EAAYrf,EAAQkJ,UAAUyI,GAC9BvZ,KAAKqiB,MAAM9J,UAAUgB,GACrBvZ,KAAKqiB,MAAM5J,UAAUwO,GACrBjnB,KAAK8lB,OAAOnN,KAAKsO,GAGzBjnB,KAAKqiB,MAAM3M,WA2BnBmR,WAAY,SAAUzT,GAClB8H,OAASA,MAAMC,OAAOC,SAAWxT,EAAQ8I,KAAKwK,MAAMjT,MAAMif,KAAO,QAAS9T,EAAQtQ,KAElF,IAAIyJ,GAAMzJ,EAENikB,EAAQ,uDACZ,IAAI3T,EAAQtQ,OAASikB,EAMjB,MALA/mB,MAAKqiB,MAAM7J,SAASuO,GACpB/mB,KAAKqiB,MAAM/J,SAASlF,QACfpT,KAAKqiB,MAAM/M,eACZtV,KAAKqiB,MAAMvH,gBAGZ,IAAsC,IAAlC1H,EAAQtQ,KAAKqkB,OAAO,WAG3B,GADA5a,GAAO,GAAIkC,YAAYC,gBAAgB0E,EAAQtQ,KAAM,YAAYmf,iBAC5DjiB,KAAKwmB,mBAAmBja,GACzB,WAGJzJ,GAAO9C,KAAK4mB,YAAYxT,EAAQtQ,MAChCyJ,GAAO,GAAIkC,YAAYC,gBAAgB5L,EAAM,YAAYmf,eAG7D,OAAIjiB,MAAKylB,mBAAmBlZ,EAAM3E,EAAQiD,OAAOC,WAAjD,GAKI9K,KAAKqiB,MAAM/M,eACkB,aAA7B/I,EAAK6a,WAAWpY,UACyB,gBAAzCzC,EAAK6a,WAAW9X,aAAa,SAC7BtP,KAAKqiB,MAAM/J,SAAS/L,OACpBvM,MAAKqiB,MAAM7J,SAAS5Q,EAAQkJ,UAAUvE,SAK1CvM,MAAKqiB,MAAMtH,UAAUxO,EAAM6G,EAAQtQ,OAQvCmjB,QAAS,WACLre,EAAQ8I,KAAK,iBACb,IAAI2W,GAAQrnB,KAAKulB,cACjBvlB,MAAKqiB,MAAM9J,UAAU8O,EAAMrW,OAE3B,IAAIsW,GAAc1f,EAAQkJ,UAAUuW,EACpCrnB,MAAKqiB,MAAM5J,UAAU6O,GACrBtnB,KAAK8lB,OAAOnN,KAAK2O,IAcrBhM,WAAY,SAAU/B,GAClB,MAAOA,IAQXV,MAAO,WACH7Y,KAAKqiB,MAAMvJ,SAOfgB,aAAc,WACVf,aAAa/Y,KAAKqiB,MAAMnN,cACxBlV,KAAKqiB,MAAMpM,QAAQ3P,KAAKtG,KAAKqiB,WAG9Bza,IAGX,SAAWjI,GACe,kBAAXE,SAAyBA,OAAOC,KACvCD,OAAO,WACH,eACA,eACA,qBACD,SAAU4e,GACT,MAAOA,QAMf/e,EAAU,CACV,GAAsB,kBAAXG,UAAyBA,OAAOC,IAavC,MAAOJ,GAASkI,QAASC,OAAQE,KAAMD,IAAKE,MAX5C,IAAIuf,GAAa7nB,CACQ,mBAAd8nB,WACPA,WAAW,WAAY,SAAU9f,GAC7B6f,EAAW7f,EAAEE,QAASF,EAAEG,OAAQH,EAAEK,KAAML,EAAEI,IAAKJ,EAAEM,SAGrDyf,SAAS,WAAY,SAAU/f,GAC3B6f,EAAW7f,EAAEE,QAASF,EAAEG,OAAQH,EAAEK,KAAML,EAAEI,IAAKJ,EAAEM,WASlE,SAAUJ,EAAS8f,EAAOlX,EAAKwN,EAAI5D,GAClCzS,OAAOC,QAAUA,EACjBD,OAAOE,OAAS6f,EAChB/f,OAAOI,KAAOyI,EACd7I,OAAOG,IAAMkW,EACbrW,OAAOK,MAAQoS","file":"strophe-1.2.8.min.js","sourcesContent":["/** File: strophe.js\n * A JavaScript library for XMPP BOSH/XMPP over Websocket.\n *\n * This is the JavaScript version of the Strophe library. Since JavaScript\n * had no facilities for persistent TCP connections, this library uses\n * Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) to emulate\n * a persistent, stateful, two-way connection to an XMPP server. More\n * information on BOSH can be found in XEP 124.\n *\n * This version of Strophe also works with WebSockets.\n * For more information on XMPP-over WebSocket see this RFC:\n * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7395\n */\n\n/* All of the Strophe globals are defined in this special function below so\n * that references to the globals become closures. This will ensure that\n * on page reload, these references will still be available to callbacks\n * that are still executing.\n */\n\n/* jshint ignore:start */\n(function (callback) {\n /* jshint ignore:end */\n\n// This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the\n// public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact.\n// Base64 code from Tyler Akins -- http://rumkin.com\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-base64', function () {\n return factory();\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n root.Base64 = factory();\n }\n }(this, function () {\n var keyStr = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\";\n\n var obj = {\n /**\n * Encodes a string in base64\n * @param {String} input The string to encode in base64.\n */\n encode: function (input) {\n var output = \"\";\n var chr1, chr2, chr3;\n var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;\n var i = 0;\n\n do {\n chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);\n chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);\n chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);\n\n enc1 = chr1 >> 2;\n enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);\n enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);\n enc4 = chr3 & 63;\n\n if (isNaN(chr2)) {\n enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4);\n enc3 = enc4 = 64;\n } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {\n enc4 = 64;\n }\n\n output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) +\n keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);\n } while (i < input.length);\n\n return output;\n },\n\n /**\n * Decodes a base64 string.\n * @param {String} input The string to decode.\n */\n decode: function (input) {\n var output = \"\";\n var chr1, chr2, chr3;\n var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;\n var i = 0;\n\n // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =\n input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\\+\\/\\=]/g, \"\");\n\n do {\n enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));\n enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));\n enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));\n enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));\n\n chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);\n chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);\n chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;\n\n output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);\n\n if (enc3 != 64) {\n output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);\n }\n if (enc4 != 64) {\n output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);\n }\n } while (i < input.length);\n\n return output;\n }\n };\n return obj;\n }));\n\n /*\n * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, as defined\n * in FIPS PUB 180-1\n * Version 2.1a Copyright Paul Johnston 2000 - 2002.\n * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet\n * Distributed under the BSD License\n * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for details.\n */\n\n /* jshint undef: true, unused: true:, noarg: true, latedef: true */\n /* global define */\n\n /* Some functions and variables have been stripped for use with Strophe */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-sha1', function () {\n return factory();\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n root.SHA1 = factory();\n }\n }(this, function () {\n\n /*\n * Calculate the SHA-1 of an array of big-endian words, and a bit length\n */\n function core_sha1(x, len) {\n /* append padding */\n x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - len % 32);\n x[((len + 64 >> 9) << 4) + 15] = len;\n\n var w = new Array(80);\n var a = 1732584193;\n var b = -271733879;\n var c = -1732584194;\n var d = 271733878;\n var e = -1009589776;\n\n var i, j, t, olda, oldb, oldc, oldd, olde;\n for (i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) {\n olda = a;\n oldb = b;\n oldc = c;\n oldd = d;\n olde = e;\n\n for (j = 0; j < 80; j++) {\n if (j < 16) {\n w[j] = x[i + j];\n }\n else {\n w[j] = rol(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16], 1);\n }\n t = safe_add(safe_add(rol(a, 5), sha1_ft(j, b, c, d)),\n safe_add(safe_add(e, w[j]), sha1_kt(j)));\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = rol(b, 30);\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n\n a = safe_add(a, olda);\n b = safe_add(b, oldb);\n c = safe_add(c, oldc);\n d = safe_add(d, oldd);\n e = safe_add(e, olde);\n }\n return [a, b, c, d, e];\n }\n\n /*\n * Perform the appropriate triplet combination function for the current\n * iteration\n */\n function sha1_ft(t, b, c, d) {\n if (t < 20) {\n return (b & c) | ((~b) & d);\n }\n if (t < 40) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n }\n if (t < 60) {\n return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d);\n }\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n }\n\n /*\n * Determine the appropriate additive constant for the current iteration\n */\n function sha1_kt(t) {\n return (t < 20) ? 1518500249 : (t < 40) ? 1859775393 :\n (t < 60) ? -1894007588 : -899497514;\n }\n\n /*\n * Calculate the HMAC-SHA1 of a key and some data\n */\n function core_hmac_sha1(key, data) {\n var bkey = str2binb(key);\n if (bkey.length > 16) {\n bkey = core_sha1(bkey, key.length * 8);\n }\n\n var ipad = new Array(16), opad = new Array(16);\n for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {\n ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636;\n opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C;\n }\n\n var hash = core_sha1(ipad.concat(str2binb(data)), 512 + data.length * 8);\n return core_sha1(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 160);\n }\n\n /*\n * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally\n * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.\n */\n function safe_add(x, y) {\n var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);\n var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);\n return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);\n }\n\n /*\n * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.\n */\n function rol(num, cnt) {\n return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));\n }\n\n /*\n * Convert an 8-bit or 16-bit string to an array of big-endian words\n * In 8-bit function, characters >255 have their hi-byte silently ignored.\n */\n function str2binb(str) {\n var bin = [];\n var mask = 255;\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length * 8; i += 8) {\n bin[i >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / 8) & mask) << (24 - i % 32);\n }\n return bin;\n }\n\n /*\n * Convert an array of big-endian words to a string\n */\n function binb2str(bin) {\n var str = \"\";\n var mask = 255;\n for (var i = 0; i < bin.length * 32; i += 8) {\n str += String.fromCharCode((bin[i >> 5] >>> (24 - i % 32)) & mask);\n }\n return str;\n }\n\n /*\n * Convert an array of big-endian words to a base-64 string\n */\n function binb2b64(binarray) {\n var tab = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\";\n var str = \"\";\n var triplet, j;\n for (var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i += 3) {\n triplet = (((binarray[i >> 2] >> 8 * (3 - i % 4)) & 0xFF) << 16) |\n (((binarray[i + 1 >> 2] >> 8 * (3 - (i + 1) % 4)) & 0xFF) << 8 ) |\n ((binarray[i + 2 >> 2] >> 8 * (3 - (i + 2) % 4)) & 0xFF);\n for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {\n if (i * 8 + j * 6 > binarray.length * 32) {\n str += \"=\";\n }\n else {\n str += tab.charAt((triplet >> 6 * (3 - j)) & 0x3F);\n }\n }\n }\n return str;\n }\n\n /*\n * These are the functions you'll usually want to call\n * They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded strings\n */\n return {\n b64_hmac_sha1: function (key, data) {\n return binb2b64(core_hmac_sha1(key, data));\n },\n b64_sha1: function (s) {\n return binb2b64(core_sha1(str2binb(s), s.length * 8));\n },\n binb2str: binb2str,\n core_hmac_sha1: core_hmac_sha1,\n str_hmac_sha1: function (key, data) {\n return binb2str(core_hmac_sha1(key, data));\n },\n str_sha1: function (s) {\n return binb2str(core_sha1(str2binb(s), s.length * 8));\n },\n };\n }));\n\n /*\n * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message\n * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321.\n * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002.\n * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet\n * Distributed under the BSD License\n * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for more info.\n */\n\n /*\n * Everything that isn't used by Strophe has been stripped here!\n */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-md5', function () {\n return factory();\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n root.MD5 = factory();\n }\n }(this, function (b) {\n /*\n * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally\n * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.\n */\n var safe_add = function (x, y) {\n var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);\n var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);\n return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);\n };\n\n /*\n * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.\n */\n var bit_rol = function (num, cnt) {\n return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));\n };\n\n /*\n * Convert a string to an array of little-endian words\n */\n var str2binl = function (str) {\n var bin = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length * 8; i += 8) {\n bin[i >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / 8) & 255) << (i % 32);\n }\n return bin;\n };\n\n /*\n * Convert an array of little-endian words to a string\n */\n var binl2str = function (bin) {\n var str = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < bin.length * 32; i += 8) {\n str += String.fromCharCode((bin[i >> 5] >>> (i % 32)) & 255);\n }\n return str;\n };\n\n /*\n * Convert an array of little-endian words to a hex string.\n */\n var binl2hex = function (binarray) {\n var hex_tab = \"0123456789abcdef\";\n var str = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++) {\n str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i >> 2] >> ((i % 4) * 8 + 4)) & 0xF) +\n hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i >> 2] >> ((i % 4) * 8 )) & 0xF);\n }\n return str;\n };\n\n /*\n * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses.\n */\n var md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) {\n return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s), b);\n };\n\n var md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {\n return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t);\n };\n\n var md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {\n return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);\n };\n\n var md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {\n return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t);\n };\n\n var md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {\n return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);\n };\n\n /*\n * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length\n */\n var core_md5 = function (x, len) {\n /* append padding */\n x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32);\n x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;\n\n var a = 1732584193;\n var b = -271733879;\n var c = -1732584194;\n var d = 271733878;\n\n var olda, oldb, oldc, oldd;\n for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) {\n olda = a;\n oldb = b;\n oldc = c;\n oldd = d;\n\n a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 7, -680876936);\n d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 1], 12, -389564586);\n c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 17, 606105819);\n b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 3], 22, -1044525330);\n a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 7, -176418897);\n d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 5], 12, 1200080426);\n c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 17, -1473231341);\n b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 7], 22, -45705983);\n a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 7, 1770035416);\n d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 9], 12, -1958414417);\n c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 17, -42063);\n b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 11], 22, -1990404162);\n a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 7, 1804603682);\n d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 13], 12, -40341101);\n c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 17, -1502002290);\n b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 15], 22, 1236535329);\n\n a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 5, -165796510);\n d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 6], 9, -1069501632);\n c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 14, 643717713);\n b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 0], 20, -373897302);\n a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 5, -701558691);\n d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 10], 9, 38016083);\n c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 14, -660478335);\n b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 4], 20, -405537848);\n a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 5, 568446438);\n d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 14], 9, -1019803690);\n c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 14, -187363961);\n b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 8], 20, 1163531501);\n a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 5, -1444681467);\n d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 2], 9, -51403784);\n c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 14, 1735328473);\n b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 12], 20, -1926607734);\n\n a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 4, -378558);\n d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 8], 11, -2022574463);\n c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 16, 1839030562);\n b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 14], 23, -35309556);\n a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 4, -1530992060);\n d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 4], 11, 1272893353);\n c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 16, -155497632);\n b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 10], 23, -1094730640);\n a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 4, 681279174);\n d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 0], 11, -358537222);\n c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 16, -722521979);\n b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 6], 23, 76029189);\n a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 4, -640364487);\n d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 12], 11, -421815835);\n c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 16, 530742520);\n b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 2], 23, -995338651);\n\n a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 6, -198630844);\n d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 7], 10, 1126891415);\n c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 15, -1416354905);\n b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 5], 21, -57434055);\n a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 6, 1700485571);\n d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 3], 10, -1894986606);\n c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 15, -1051523);\n b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 1], 21, -2054922799);\n a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 6, 1873313359);\n d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 15], 10, -30611744);\n c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 15, -1560198380);\n b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 13], 21, 1309151649);\n a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 6, -145523070);\n d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 11], 10, -1120210379);\n c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 15, 718787259);\n b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 9], 21, -343485551);\n\n a = safe_add(a, olda);\n b = safe_add(b, oldb);\n c = safe_add(c, oldc);\n d = safe_add(d, oldd);\n }\n return [a, b, c, d];\n };\n\n var obj = {\n /*\n * These are the functions you'll usually want to call.\n * They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded\n * strings.\n */\n hexdigest: function (s) {\n return binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * 8));\n },\n\n hash: function (s) {\n return binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * 8));\n }\n };\n return obj;\n }));\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-utils', function () {\n return factory();\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n root.stropheUtils = factory();\n }\n }(this, function () {\n\n var utils = {\n\n utf16to8: function (str) {\n var i, c;\n var out = \"\";\n var len = str.length;\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n c = str.charCodeAt(i);\n if ((c >= 0x0000) && (c <= 0x007F)) {\n out += str.charAt(i);\n } else if (c > 0x07FF) {\n out += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F));\n out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));\n out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F));\n } else {\n out += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F));\n out += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >> 0) & 0x3F));\n }\n }\n return out;\n },\n\n addCookies: function (cookies) {\n /* Parameters:\n * (Object) cookies - either a map of cookie names\n * to string values or to maps of cookie values.\n *\n * For example:\n * { \"myCookie\": \"1234\" }\n *\n * or:\n * { \"myCookie\": {\n * \"value\": \"1234\",\n * \"domain\": \".example.org\",\n * \"path\": \"/\",\n * \"expires\": expirationDate\n * }\n * }\n *\n * These values get passed to Strophe.Connection via\n * options.cookies\n */\n var cookieName, cookieObj, isObj, cookieValue, expires, domain, path;\n for (cookieName in (cookies || {})) {\n expires = '';\n domain = '';\n path = '';\n cookieObj = cookies[cookieName];\n isObj = typeof cookieObj == \"object\";\n cookieValue = escape(unescape(isObj ? cookieObj.value : cookieObj));\n if (isObj) {\n expires = cookieObj.expires ? \";expires=\" + cookieObj.expires : '';\n domain = cookieObj.domain ? \";domain=\" + cookieObj.domain : '';\n path = cookieObj.path ? \";path=\" + cookieObj.path : '';\n }\n document.cookie =\n cookieName + '=' + cookieValue + expires + domain + path;\n }\n }\n };\n return utils;\n }));\n\n /*\n This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.\n Please see the LICENSE file for details.\n\n Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC\n */\n\n /* jshint undef: true, unused: true:, noarg: true, latedef: true */\n /* global define */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-polyfill', [], function () {\n return factory();\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n return factory();\n }\n }(this, function () {\n\n /** PrivateFunction: Function.prototype.bind\n * Bind a function to an instance.\n *\n * This Function object extension method creates a bound method similar\n * to those in Python. This means that the 'this' object will point\n * to the instance you want. See\n * MDC's bind() documentation and\n * Bound Functions and Function Imports in JavaScript\n * for a complete explanation.\n *\n * This extension already exists in some browsers (namely, Firefox 3), but\n * we provide it to support those that don't.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) obj - The object that will become 'this' in the bound function.\n * (Object) argN - An option argument that will be prepended to the\n * arguments given for the function call\n *\n * Returns:\n * The bound function.\n */\n if (!Function.prototype.bind) {\n Function.prototype.bind = function (obj /*, arg1, arg2, ... */) {\n var func = this;\n var _slice = Array.prototype.slice;\n var _concat = Array.prototype.concat;\n var _args = _slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\n return function () {\n return func.apply(obj ? obj : this,\n _concat.call(_args,\n _slice.call(arguments, 0)));\n };\n };\n }\n\n /** PrivateFunction: Array.isArray\n * This is a polyfill for the ES5 Array.isArray method.\n */\n if (!Array.isArray) {\n Array.isArray = function (arg) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';\n };\n }\n\n /** PrivateFunction: Array.prototype.indexOf\n * Return the index of an object in an array.\n *\n * This function is not supplied by some JavaScript implementations, so\n * we provide it if it is missing. This code is from:\n * http://developer.mozilla.org/En/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Objects:Array:indexOf\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) elt - The object to look for.\n * (Integer) from - The index from which to start looking. (optional).\n *\n * Returns:\n * The index of elt in the array or -1 if not found.\n */\n if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {\n Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) {\n var len = this.length;\n\n var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;\n from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);\n if (from < 0) {\n from += len;\n }\n\n for (; from < len; from++) {\n if (from in this && this[from] === elt) {\n return from;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n };\n }\n }));\n\n /*\n This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.\n Please see the LICENSE file for details.\n\n Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC\n */\n\n /* jshint undef: true, unused: true:, noarg: true, latedef: true */\n /*global define, document, window, setTimeout, clearTimeout, console, ActiveXObject, DOMParser */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-core', [\n 'strophe-sha1',\n 'strophe-base64',\n 'strophe-md5',\n 'strophe-utils',\n \"strophe-polyfill\"\n ], function () {\n return factory.apply(this, arguments);\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n var o = factory(root.SHA1, root.Base64, root.MD5, root.stropheUtils);\n window.Strophe = o.Strophe;\n window.$build = o.$build;\n window.$iq = o.$iq;\n window.$msg = o.$msg;\n window.$pres = o.$pres;\n window.SHA1 = o.SHA1;\n window.Base64 = o.Base64;\n window.MD5 = o.MD5;\n window.b64_hmac_sha1 = o.SHA1.b64_hmac_sha1;\n window.b64_sha1 = o.SHA1.b64_sha1;\n window.str_hmac_sha1 = o.SHA1.str_hmac_sha1;\n window.str_sha1 = o.SHA1.str_sha1;\n }\n }(this, function (SHA1, Base64, MD5, utils) {\n\n var Strophe;\n\n /** Function: $build\n * Create a Strophe.Builder.\n * This is an alias for 'new Strophe.Builder(name, attrs)'.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The root element name.\n * (Object) attrs - The attributes for the root element in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n function $build(name, attrs) {\n return new Strophe.Builder(name, attrs);\n }\n\n /** Function: $msg\n * Create a Strophe.Builder with a element as the root.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) attrs - The element attributes in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n function $msg(attrs) {\n return new Strophe.Builder(\"message\", attrs);\n }\n\n /** Function: $iq\n * Create a Strophe.Builder with an element as the root.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) attrs - The element attributes in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n function $iq(attrs) {\n return new Strophe.Builder(\"iq\", attrs);\n }\n\n /** Function: $pres\n * Create a Strophe.Builder with a element as the root.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) attrs - The element attributes in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n function $pres(attrs) {\n return new Strophe.Builder(\"presence\", attrs);\n }\n\n /** Class: Strophe\n * An object container for all Strophe library functions.\n *\n * This class is just a container for all the objects and constants\n * used in the library. It is not meant to be instantiated, but to\n * provide a namespace for library objects, constants, and functions.\n */\n Strophe = {\n /** Constant: VERSION\n * The version of the Strophe library. Unreleased builds will have\n * a version of head-HASH where HASH is a partial revision.\n */\n VERSION: \"1.2.8\",\n\n /** Constants: XMPP Namespace Constants\n * Common namespace constants from the XMPP RFCs and XEPs.\n *\n * NS.HTTPBIND - HTTP BIND namespace from XEP 124.\n * NS.BOSH - BOSH namespace from XEP 206.\n * NS.CLIENT - Main XMPP client namespace.\n * NS.AUTH - Legacy authentication namespace.\n * NS.ROSTER - Roster operations namespace.\n * NS.PROFILE - Profile namespace.\n * NS.DISCO_INFO - Service discovery info namespace from XEP 30.\n * NS.DISCO_ITEMS - Service discovery items namespace from XEP 30.\n * NS.MUC - Multi-User Chat namespace from XEP 45.\n * NS.SASL - XMPP SASL namespace from RFC 3920.\n * NS.STREAM - XMPP Streams namespace from RFC 3920.\n * NS.BIND - XMPP Binding namespace from RFC 3920.\n * NS.SESSION - XMPP Session namespace from RFC 3920.\n * NS.XHTML_IM - XHTML-IM namespace from XEP 71.\n * NS.XHTML - XHTML body namespace from XEP 71.\n */\n NS: {\n HTTPBIND: \"http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind\",\n BOSH: \"urn:xmpp:xbosh\",\n CLIENT: \"jabber:client\",\n AUTH: \"jabber:iq:auth\",\n ROSTER: \"jabber:iq:roster\",\n PROFILE: \"jabber:iq:profile\",\n DISCO_INFO: \"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info\",\n DISCO_ITEMS: \"http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items\",\n MUC: \"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc\",\n SASL: \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl\",\n STREAM: \"http://etherx.jabber.org/streams\",\n FRAMING: \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-framing\",\n BIND: \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind\",\n SESSION: \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session\",\n VERSION: \"jabber:iq:version\",\n STANZAS: \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas\",\n XHTML_IM: \"http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im\",\n XHTML: \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"\n },\n\n /** Constants: XHTML_IM Namespace\n * contains allowed tags, tag attributes, and css properties.\n * Used in the createHtml function to filter incoming html into the allowed XHTML-IM subset.\n * See http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0071.html#profile-summary for the list of recommended\n * allowed tags and their attributes.\n */\n XHTML: {\n tags: ['a', 'blockquote', 'br', 'cite', 'em', 'img', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'span', 'strong', 'ul', 'body'],\n attributes: {\n 'a': ['href'],\n 'blockquote': ['style'],\n 'br': [],\n 'cite': ['style'],\n 'em': [],\n 'img': ['src', 'alt', 'style', 'height', 'width'],\n 'li': ['style'],\n 'ol': ['style'],\n 'p': ['style'],\n 'span': ['style'],\n 'strong': [],\n 'ul': ['style'],\n 'body': []\n },\n css: ['background-color', 'color', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'text-align', 'text-decoration'],\n /** Function: XHTML.validTag\n *\n * Utility method to determine whether a tag is allowed\n * in the XHTML_IM namespace.\n *\n * XHTML tag names are case sensitive and must be lower case.\n */\n validTag: function (tag) {\n for (var i = 0; i < Strophe.XHTML.tags.length; i++) {\n if (tag == Strophe.XHTML.tags[i]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n },\n /** Function: XHTML.validAttribute\n *\n * Utility method to determine whether an attribute is allowed\n * as recommended per XEP-0071\n *\n * XHTML attribute names are case sensitive and must be lower case.\n */\n validAttribute: function (tag, attribute) {\n if (typeof Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag] !== 'undefined' && Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag].length > 0) {\n for (var i = 0; i < Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag].length; i++) {\n if (attribute == Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag][i]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n return false;\n },\n validCSS: function (style) {\n for (var i = 0; i < Strophe.XHTML.css.length; i++) {\n if (style == Strophe.XHTML.css[i]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n },\n\n /** Constants: Connection Status Constants\n * Connection status constants for use by the connection handler\n * callback.\n *\n * Status.ERROR - An error has occurred\n * Status.CONNECTING - The connection is currently being made\n * Status.CONNFAIL - The connection attempt failed\n * Status.AUTHENTICATING - The connection is authenticating\n * Status.AUTHFAIL - The authentication attempt failed\n * Status.CONNECTED - The connection has succeeded\n * Status.DISCONNECTED - The connection has been terminated\n * Status.DISCONNECTING - The connection is currently being terminated\n * Status.ATTACHED - The connection has been attached\n * Status.CONNTIMEOUT - The connection has timed out\n */\n Status: {\n ERROR: 0,\n CONNECTING: 1,\n CONNFAIL: 2,\n AUTHENTICATING: 3,\n AUTHFAIL: 4,\n CONNECTED: 5,\n DISCONNECTED: 6,\n DISCONNECTING: 7,\n ATTACHED: 8,\n REDIRECT: 9,\n CONNTIMEOUT: 10\n },\n\n /** Constants: Log Level Constants\n * Logging level indicators.\n *\n * LogLevel.DEBUG - Debug output\n * LogLevel.INFO - Informational output\n * LogLevel.WARN - Warnings\n * LogLevel.ERROR - Errors\n * LogLevel.FATAL - Fatal errors\n */\n LogLevel: {\n DEBUG: 0,\n INFO: 1,\n WARN: 2,\n ERROR: 3,\n FATAL: 4\n },\n\n /** PrivateConstants: DOM Element Type Constants\n * DOM element types.\n *\n * ElementType.NORMAL - Normal element.\n * ElementType.TEXT - Text data element.\n * ElementType.FRAGMENT - XHTML fragment element.\n */\n ElementType: {\n NORMAL: 1,\n TEXT: 3,\n CDATA: 4,\n FRAGMENT: 11\n },\n\n /** PrivateConstants: Timeout Values\n * Timeout values for error states. These values are in seconds.\n * These should not be changed unless you know exactly what you are\n * doing.\n *\n * TIMEOUT - Timeout multiplier. A waiting request will be considered\n * failed after Math.floor(TIMEOUT * wait) seconds have elapsed.\n * This defaults to 1.1, and with default wait, 66 seconds.\n * SECONDARY_TIMEOUT - Secondary timeout multiplier. In cases where\n * Strophe can detect early failure, it will consider the request\n * failed if it doesn't return after\n * Math.floor(SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * wait) seconds have elapsed.\n * This defaults to 0.1, and with default wait, 6 seconds.\n */\n TIMEOUT: 1.1,\n SECONDARY_TIMEOUT: 0.1,\n\n /** Function: addNamespace\n * This function is used to extend the current namespaces in\n * Strophe.NS. It takes a key and a value with the key being the\n * name of the new namespace, with its actual value.\n * For example:\n * Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB', \"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub\");\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The name under which the namespace will be\n * referenced under Strophe.NS\n * (String) value - The actual namespace.\n */\n addNamespace: function (name, value) {\n Strophe.NS[name] = value;\n },\n\n /** Function: forEachChild\n * Map a function over some or all child elements of a given element.\n *\n * This is a small convenience function for mapping a function over\n * some or all of the children of an element. If elemName is null, all\n * children will be passed to the function, otherwise only children\n * whose tag names match elemName will be passed.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The element to operate on.\n * (String) elemName - The child element tag name filter.\n * (Function) func - The function to apply to each child. This\n * function should take a single argument, a DOM element.\n */\n forEachChild: function (elem, elemName, func) {\n var i, childNode;\n\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n childNode = elem.childNodes[i];\n if (childNode.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL &&\n (!elemName || this.isTagEqual(childNode, elemName))) {\n func(childNode);\n }\n }\n },\n\n /** Function: isTagEqual\n * Compare an element's tag name with a string.\n *\n * This function is case sensitive.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) el - A DOM element.\n * (String) name - The element name.\n *\n * Returns:\n * true if the element's tag name matches _el_, and false\n * otherwise.\n */\n isTagEqual: function (el, name) {\n return el.tagName == name;\n },\n\n /** PrivateVariable: _xmlGenerator\n * _Private_ variable that caches a DOM document to\n * generate elements.\n */\n _xmlGenerator: null,\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _makeGenerator\n * _Private_ function that creates a dummy XML DOM document to serve as\n * an element and text node generator.\n */\n _makeGenerator: function () {\n var doc;\n\n // IE9 does implement createDocument(); however, using it will cause the browser to leak memory on page unload.\n // Here, we test for presence of createDocument() plus IE's proprietary documentMode attribute, which would be\n // less than 10 in the case of IE9 and below.\n if (document.implementation.createDocument === undefined ||\n document.implementation.createDocument && document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 10) {\n doc = this._getIEXmlDom();\n doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('strophe'));\n } else {\n doc = document.implementation\n .createDocument('jabber:client', 'strophe', null);\n }\n\n return doc;\n },\n\n /** Function: xmlGenerator\n * Get the DOM document to generate elements.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The currently used DOM document.\n */\n xmlGenerator: function () {\n if (!Strophe._xmlGenerator) {\n Strophe._xmlGenerator = Strophe._makeGenerator();\n }\n return Strophe._xmlGenerator;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _getIEXmlDom\n * Gets IE xml doc object\n *\n * Returns:\n * A Microsoft XML DOM Object\n * See Also:\n * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms757837%28VS.85%29.aspx\n */\n _getIEXmlDom: function () {\n var doc = null;\n var docStrings = [\n \"Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0\",\n \"Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0\",\n \"Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0\",\n \"MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0\",\n \"MSXML2.DOMDocument\",\n \"MSXML.DOMDocument\",\n \"Microsoft.XMLDOM\"\n ];\n\n for (var d = 0; d < docStrings.length; d++) {\n if (doc === null) {\n try {\n doc = new ActiveXObject(docStrings[d]);\n } catch (e) {\n doc = null;\n }\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return doc;\n },\n\n /** Function: xmlElement\n * Create an XML DOM element.\n *\n * This function creates an XML DOM element correctly across all\n * implementations. Note that these are not HTML DOM elements, which\n * aren't appropriate for XMPP stanzas.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The name for the element.\n * (Array|Object) attrs - An optional array or object containing\n * key/value pairs to use as element attributes. The object should\n * be in the format {'key': 'value'} or {key: 'value'}. The array\n * should have the format [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']].\n * (String) text - The text child data for the element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new XML DOM element.\n */\n xmlElement: function (name) {\n if (!name) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var node = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createElement(name);\n\n // FIXME: this should throw errors if args are the wrong type or\n // there are more than two optional args\n var a, i, k;\n for (a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {\n var arg = arguments[a];\n if (!arg) {\n continue;\n }\n if (typeof(arg) == \"string\" ||\n typeof(arg) == \"number\") {\n node.appendChild(Strophe.xmlTextNode(arg));\n } else if (typeof(arg) == \"object\" &&\n typeof(arg.sort) == \"function\") {\n for (i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {\n var attr = arg[i];\n if (typeof(attr) == \"object\" &&\n typeof(attr.sort) == \"function\" &&\n attr[1] !== undefined &&\n attr[1] !== null) {\n node.setAttribute(attr[0], attr[1]);\n }\n }\n } else if (typeof(arg) == \"object\") {\n for (k in arg) {\n if (arg.hasOwnProperty(k)) {\n if (arg[k] !== undefined &&\n arg[k] !== null) {\n node.setAttribute(k, arg[k]);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return node;\n },\n\n /* Function: xmlescape\n * Excapes invalid xml characters.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) text - text to escape.\n *\n * Returns:\n * Escaped text.\n */\n xmlescape: function (text) {\n text = text.replace(/\\&/g, \"&\");\n text = text.replace(//g, \">\");\n text = text.replace(/'/g, \"'\");\n text = text.replace(/\"/g, \""\");\n return text;\n },\n\n /* Function: xmlunescape\n * Unexcapes invalid xml characters.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) text - text to unescape.\n *\n * Returns:\n * Unescaped text.\n */\n xmlunescape: function (text) {\n text = text.replace(/\\&/g, \"&\");\n text = text.replace(/</g, \"<\");\n text = text.replace(/>/g, \">\");\n text = text.replace(/'/g, \"'\");\n text = text.replace(/"/g, \"\\\"\");\n return text;\n },\n\n /** Function: xmlTextNode\n * Creates an XML DOM text node.\n *\n * Provides a cross implementation version of document.createTextNode.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) text - The content of the text node.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new XML DOM text node.\n */\n xmlTextNode: function (text) {\n return Strophe.xmlGenerator().createTextNode(text);\n },\n\n /** Function: xmlHtmlNode\n * Creates an XML DOM html node.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) html - The content of the html node.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new XML DOM text node.\n */\n xmlHtmlNode: function (html) {\n var node;\n //ensure text is escaped\n if (window.DOMParser) {\n var parser = new DOMParser();\n node = parser.parseFromString(html, \"text/xml\");\n } else {\n node = new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLDOM\");\n node.async = \"false\";\n node.loadXML(html);\n }\n return node;\n },\n\n /** Function: getText\n * Get the concatenation of all text children of an element.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String with the concatenated text of all text element children.\n */\n getText: function (elem) {\n if (!elem) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var str = \"\";\n if (elem.childNodes.length === 0 && elem.nodeType ==\n Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {\n str += elem.nodeValue;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n if (elem.childNodes[i].nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {\n str += elem.childNodes[i].nodeValue;\n }\n }\n\n return Strophe.xmlescape(str);\n },\n\n /** Function: copyElement\n * Copy an XML DOM element.\n *\n * This function copies a DOM element and all its descendants and returns\n * the new copy.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new, copied DOM element tree.\n */\n copyElement: function (elem) {\n var i, el;\n if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL) {\n el = Strophe.xmlElement(elem.tagName);\n\n for (i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {\n el.setAttribute(elem.attributes[i].nodeName,\n elem.attributes[i].value);\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n el.appendChild(Strophe.copyElement(elem.childNodes[i]));\n }\n } else if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {\n el = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createTextNode(elem.nodeValue);\n }\n\n return el;\n },\n\n\n /** Function: createHtml\n * Copy an HTML DOM element into an XML DOM.\n *\n * This function copies a DOM element and all its descendants and returns\n * the new copy.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (HTMLElement) elem - A DOM element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new, copied DOM element tree.\n */\n createHtml: function (elem) {\n var i, el, j, tag, attribute, value, css, cssAttrs, attr, cssName, cssValue;\n if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL) {\n tag = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // XHTML tags must be lower case.\n if (Strophe.XHTML.validTag(tag)) {\n try {\n el = Strophe.xmlElement(tag);\n for (i = 0; i < Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag].length; i++) {\n attribute = Strophe.XHTML.attributes[tag][i];\n value = elem.getAttribute(attribute);\n if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value === null || value === '' || value === false || value === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n if (attribute == 'style' && typeof value == 'object') {\n if (typeof value.cssText != 'undefined') {\n value = value.cssText; // we're dealing with IE, need to get CSS out\n }\n }\n // filter out invalid css styles\n if (attribute == 'style') {\n css = [];\n cssAttrs = value.split(';');\n for (j = 0; j < cssAttrs.length; j++) {\n attr = cssAttrs[j].split(':');\n cssName = attr[0].replace(/^\\s*/, \"\").replace(/\\s*$/, \"\").toLowerCase();\n if (Strophe.XHTML.validCSS(cssName)) {\n cssValue = attr[1].replace(/^\\s*/, \"\").replace(/\\s*$/, \"\");\n css.push(cssName + ': ' + cssValue);\n }\n }\n if (css.length > 0) {\n value = css.join('; ');\n el.setAttribute(attribute, value);\n }\n } else {\n el.setAttribute(attribute, value);\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n el.appendChild(Strophe.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i]));\n }\n } catch (e) { // invalid elements\n el = Strophe.xmlTextNode('');\n }\n } else {\n el = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createDocumentFragment();\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n el.appendChild(Strophe.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i]));\n }\n }\n } else if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.FRAGMENT) {\n el = Strophe.xmlGenerator().createDocumentFragment();\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n el.appendChild(Strophe.createHtml(elem.childNodes[i]));\n }\n } else if (elem.nodeType == Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {\n el = Strophe.xmlTextNode(elem.nodeValue);\n }\n\n return el;\n },\n\n /** Function: escapeNode\n * Escape the node part (also called local part) of a JID.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) node - A node (or local part).\n *\n * Returns:\n * An escaped node (or local part).\n */\n escapeNode: function (node) {\n if (typeof node !== \"string\") {\n return node;\n }\n return node.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '')\n .replace(/\\\\/g, \"\\\\5c\")\n .replace(/ /g, \"\\\\20\")\n .replace(/\\\"/g, \"\\\\22\")\n .replace(/\\&/g, \"\\\\26\")\n .replace(/\\'/g, \"\\\\27\")\n .replace(/\\//g, \"\\\\2f\")\n .replace(/:/g, \"\\\\3a\")\n .replace(//g, \"\\\\3e\")\n .replace(/@/g, \"\\\\40\");\n },\n\n /** Function: unescapeNode\n * Unescape a node part (also called local part) of a JID.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) node - A node (or local part).\n *\n * Returns:\n * An unescaped node (or local part).\n */\n unescapeNode: function (node) {\n if (typeof node !== \"string\") {\n return node;\n }\n return node.replace(/\\\\20/g, \" \")\n .replace(/\\\\22/g, '\"')\n .replace(/\\\\26/g, \"&\")\n .replace(/\\\\27/g, \"'\")\n .replace(/\\\\2f/g, \"/\")\n .replace(/\\\\3a/g, \":\")\n .replace(/\\\\3c/g, \"<\")\n .replace(/\\\\3e/g, \">\")\n .replace(/\\\\40/g, \"@\")\n .replace(/\\\\5c/g, \"\\\\\");\n },\n\n /** Function: getNodeFromJid\n * Get the node portion of a JID String.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - A JID.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String containing the node.\n */\n getNodeFromJid: function (jid) {\n if (jid.indexOf(\"@\") < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return jid.split(\"@\")[0];\n },\n\n /** Function: getDomainFromJid\n * Get the domain portion of a JID String.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - A JID.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String containing the domain.\n */\n getDomainFromJid: function (jid) {\n var bare = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);\n if (bare.indexOf(\"@\") < 0) {\n return bare;\n } else {\n var parts = bare.split(\"@\");\n parts.splice(0, 1);\n return parts.join('@');\n }\n },\n\n /** Function: getResourceFromJid\n * Get the resource portion of a JID String.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - A JID.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String containing the resource.\n */\n getResourceFromJid: function (jid) {\n var s = jid.split(\"/\");\n if (s.length < 2) {\n return null;\n }\n s.splice(0, 1);\n return s.join('/');\n },\n\n /** Function: getBareJidFromJid\n * Get the bare JID from a JID String.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - A JID.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String containing the bare JID.\n */\n getBareJidFromJid: function (jid) {\n return jid ? jid.split(\"/\")[0] : null;\n },\n\n /** Function: log\n * User overrideable logging function.\n *\n * This function is called whenever the Strophe library calls any\n * of the logging functions. The default implementation of this\n * function does nothing. If client code wishes to handle the logging\n * messages, it should override this with\n * > Strophe.log = function (level, msg) {\n * > (user code here)\n * > };\n *\n * Please note that data sent and received over the wire is logged\n * via Strophe.Connection.rawInput() and Strophe.Connection.rawOutput().\n *\n * The different levels and their meanings are\n *\n * DEBUG - Messages useful for debugging purposes.\n * INFO - Informational messages. This is mostly information like\n * 'disconnect was called' or 'SASL auth succeeded'.\n * WARN - Warnings about potential problems. This is mostly used\n * to report transient connection errors like request timeouts.\n * ERROR - Some error occurred.\n * FATAL - A non-recoverable fatal error occurred.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) level - The log level of the log message. This will\n * be one of the values in Strophe.LogLevel.\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n /* jshint ignore:start */\n log: function (level, msg) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint ignore:end */\n\n /** Function: debug\n * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.DEBUG level.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n debug: function (msg) {\n this.log(this.LogLevel.DEBUG, msg);\n },\n\n /** Function: info\n * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.INFO level.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n info: function (msg) {\n this.log(this.LogLevel.INFO, msg);\n },\n\n /** Function: warn\n * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.WARN level.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n warn: function (msg) {\n this.log(this.LogLevel.WARN, msg);\n },\n\n /** Function: error\n * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR level.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n error: function (msg) {\n this.log(this.LogLevel.ERROR, msg);\n },\n\n /** Function: fatal\n * Log a message at the Strophe.LogLevel.FATAL level.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) msg - The log message.\n */\n fatal: function (msg) {\n this.log(this.LogLevel.FATAL, msg);\n },\n\n /** Function: serialize\n * Render a DOM element and all descendants to a String.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The serialized element tree as a String.\n */\n serialize: function (elem) {\n var result;\n\n if (!elem) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (typeof(elem.tree) === \"function\") {\n elem = elem.tree();\n }\n\n var nodeName = elem.nodeName;\n var i, child;\n\n if (elem.getAttribute(\"_realname\")) {\n nodeName = elem.getAttribute(\"_realname\");\n }\n\n result = \"<\" + nodeName;\n for (i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {\n if (elem.attributes[i].nodeName != \"_realname\") {\n result += \" \" + elem.attributes[i].nodeName +\n \"='\" + Strophe.xmlescape(elem.attributes[i].value) + \"'\";\n }\n }\n\n if (elem.childNodes.length > 0) {\n result += \">\";\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n child = elem.childNodes[i];\n switch (child.nodeType) {\n case Strophe.ElementType.NORMAL:\n // normal element, so recurse\n result += Strophe.serialize(child);\n break;\n case Strophe.ElementType.TEXT:\n // text element to escape values\n result += Strophe.xmlescape(child.nodeValue);\n break;\n case Strophe.ElementType.CDATA:\n // cdata section so don't escape values\n result += \"\";\n }\n }\n result += \"\";\n } else {\n result += \"/>\";\n }\n\n return result;\n },\n\n /** PrivateVariable: _requestId\n * _Private_ variable that keeps track of the request ids for\n * connections.\n */\n _requestId: 0,\n\n /** PrivateVariable: Strophe.connectionPlugins\n * _Private_ variable Used to store plugin names that need\n * initialization on Strophe.Connection construction.\n */\n _connectionPlugins: {},\n\n /** Function: addConnectionPlugin\n * Extends the Strophe.Connection object with the given plugin.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The name of the extension.\n * (Object) ptype - The plugin's prototype.\n */\n addConnectionPlugin: function (name, ptype) {\n Strophe._connectionPlugins[name] = ptype;\n }\n };\n\n /** Class: Strophe.Builder\n * XML DOM builder.\n *\n * This object provides an interface similar to JQuery but for building\n * DOM elements easily and rapidly. All the functions except for toString()\n * and tree() return the object, so calls can be chained. Here's an\n * example using the $iq() builder helper.\n * > $iq({to: 'you', from: 'me', type: 'get', id: '1'})\n * > .c('query', {xmlns: 'strophe:example'})\n * > .c('example')\n * > .toString()\n * The above generates this XML fragment\n * > \n * > \n * > \n * > \n * > \n * The corresponding DOM manipulations to get a similar fragment would be\n * a lot more tedious and probably involve several helper variables.\n *\n * Since adding children makes new operations operate on the child, up()\n * is provided to traverse up the tree. To add two children, do\n * > builder.c('child1', ...).up().c('child2', ...)\n * The next operation on the Builder will be relative to the second child.\n */\n\n /** Constructor: Strophe.Builder\n * Create a Strophe.Builder object.\n *\n * The attributes should be passed in object notation. For example\n * > var b = new Builder('message', {to: 'you', from: 'me'});\n * or\n * > var b = new Builder('messsage', {'xml:lang': 'en'});\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The name of the root element.\n * (Object) attrs - The attributes for the root element in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Builder.\n */\n Strophe.Builder = function (name, attrs) {\n // Set correct namespace for jabber:client elements\n if (name == \"presence\" || name == \"message\" || name == \"iq\") {\n if (attrs && !attrs.xmlns) {\n attrs.xmlns = Strophe.NS.CLIENT;\n } else if (!attrs) {\n attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT};\n }\n }\n\n // Holds the tree being built.\n this.nodeTree = Strophe.xmlElement(name, attrs);\n\n // Points to the current operation node.\n this.node = this.nodeTree;\n };\n\n Strophe.Builder.prototype = {\n /** Function: tree\n * Return the DOM tree.\n *\n * This function returns the current DOM tree as an element object. This\n * is suitable for passing to functions like Strophe.Connection.send().\n *\n * Returns:\n * The DOM tree as a element object.\n */\n tree: function () {\n return this.nodeTree;\n },\n\n /** Function: toString\n * Serialize the DOM tree to a String.\n *\n * This function returns a string serialization of the current DOM\n * tree. It is often used internally to pass data to a\n * Strophe.Request object.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The serialized DOM tree in a String.\n */\n toString: function () {\n return Strophe.serialize(this.nodeTree);\n },\n\n /** Function: up\n * Make the current parent element the new current element.\n *\n * This function is often used after c() to traverse back up the tree.\n * For example, to add two children to the same element\n * > builder.c('child1', {}).up().c('child2', {});\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Stophe.Builder object.\n */\n up: function () {\n this.node = this.node.parentNode;\n return this;\n },\n\n /** Function: attrs\n * Add or modify attributes of the current element.\n *\n * The attributes should be passed in object notation. This function\n * does not move the current element pointer.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) moreattrs - The attributes to add/modify in object notation.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n attrs: function (moreattrs) {\n for (var k in moreattrs) {\n if (moreattrs.hasOwnProperty(k)) {\n if (moreattrs[k] === undefined) {\n this.node.removeAttribute(k);\n } else {\n this.node.setAttribute(k, moreattrs[k]);\n }\n }\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n /** Function: c\n * Add a child to the current element and make it the new current\n * element.\n *\n * This function moves the current element pointer to the child,\n * unless text is provided. If you need to add another child, it\n * is necessary to use up() to go back to the parent in the tree.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - The name of the child.\n * (Object) attrs - The attributes of the child in object notation.\n * (String) text - The text to add to the child.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n c: function (name, attrs, text) {\n var child = Strophe.xmlElement(name, attrs, text);\n this.node.appendChild(child);\n if (typeof text !== \"string\" && typeof text !== \"number\") {\n this.node = child;\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n /** Function: cnode\n * Add a child to the current element and make it the new current\n * element.\n *\n * This function is the same as c() except that instead of using a\n * name and an attributes object to create the child it uses an\n * existing DOM element object.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - A DOM element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n cnode: function (elem) {\n var impNode;\n var xmlGen = Strophe.xmlGenerator();\n try {\n impNode = (xmlGen.importNode !== undefined);\n }\n catch (e) {\n impNode = false;\n }\n var newElem = impNode ?\n xmlGen.importNode(elem, true) :\n Strophe.copyElement(elem);\n this.node.appendChild(newElem);\n this.node = newElem;\n return this;\n },\n\n /** Function: t\n * Add a child text element.\n *\n * This *does not* make the child the new current element since there\n * are no children of text elements.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) text - The text data to append to the current element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n t: function (text) {\n var child = Strophe.xmlTextNode(text);\n this.node.appendChild(child);\n return this;\n },\n\n /** Function: h\n * Replace current element contents with the HTML passed in.\n *\n * This *does not* make the child the new current element\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) html - The html to insert as contents of current element.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The Strophe.Builder object.\n */\n h: function (html) {\n var fragment = document.createElement('body');\n\n // force the browser to try and fix any invalid HTML tags\n fragment.innerHTML = html;\n\n // copy cleaned html into an xml dom\n var xhtml = Strophe.createHtml(fragment);\n\n while (xhtml.childNodes.length > 0) {\n this.node.appendChild(xhtml.childNodes[0]);\n }\n return this;\n }\n };\n\n /** PrivateClass: Strophe.Handler\n * _Private_ helper class for managing stanza handlers.\n *\n * A Strophe.Handler encapsulates a user provided callback function to be\n * executed when matching stanzas are received by the connection.\n * Handlers can be either one-off or persistant depending on their\n * return value. Returning true will cause a Handler to remain active, and\n * returning false will remove the Handler.\n *\n * Users will not use Strophe.Handler objects directly, but instead they\n * will use Strophe.Connection.addHandler() and\n * Strophe.Connection.deleteHandler().\n */\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Handler\n * Create and initialize a new Strophe.Handler.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Function) handler - A function to be executed when the handler is run.\n * (String) ns - The namespace to match.\n * (String) name - The element name to match.\n * (String) type - The element type to match.\n * (String) id - The element id attribute to match.\n * (String) from - The element from attribute to match.\n * (Object) options - Handler options\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Handler object.\n */\n Strophe.Handler = function (handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options) {\n this.handler = handler;\n this.ns = ns;\n this.name = name;\n this.type = type;\n this.id = id;\n this.options = options || {matchBare: false};\n\n // default matchBare to false if undefined\n if (!this.options.matchBare) {\n this.options.matchBare = false;\n }\n\n if (this.options.matchBare) {\n this.from = from ? Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from) : null;\n } else {\n this.from = from;\n }\n\n // whether the handler is a user handler or a system handler\n this.user = true;\n };\n\n Strophe.Handler.prototype = {\n /** PrivateFunction: isMatch\n * Tests if a stanza matches the Strophe.Handler.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The XML element to test.\n *\n * Returns:\n * true if the stanza matches and false otherwise.\n */\n isMatch: function (elem) {\n var nsMatch;\n var from = null;\n\n if (this.options.matchBare) {\n from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(elem.getAttribute('from'));\n } else {\n from = elem.getAttribute('from');\n }\n\n nsMatch = false;\n if (!this.ns) {\n nsMatch = true;\n } else {\n var that = this;\n Strophe.forEachChild(elem, null, function (elem) {\n if (elem.getAttribute(\"xmlns\") == that.ns) {\n nsMatch = true;\n }\n });\n\n nsMatch = nsMatch || elem.getAttribute(\"xmlns\") == this.ns;\n }\n\n var elem_type = elem.getAttribute(\"type\");\n if (nsMatch &&\n (!this.name || Strophe.isTagEqual(elem, this.name)) &&\n (!this.type || (Array.isArray(this.type) ? this.type.indexOf(elem_type) != -1 : elem_type == this.type)) &&\n (!this.id || elem.getAttribute(\"id\") == this.id) &&\n (!this.from || from == this.from)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: run\n * Run the callback on a matching stanza.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The DOM element that triggered the\n * Strophe.Handler.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A boolean indicating if the handler should remain active.\n */\n run: function (elem) {\n var result = null;\n try {\n result = this.handler(elem);\n } catch (e) {\n if (e.sourceURL) {\n Strophe.fatal(\"error: \" + this.handler +\n \" \" + e.sourceURL + \":\" +\n e.line + \" - \" + e.name + \": \" + e.message);\n } else if (e.fileName) {\n if (typeof(console) != \"undefined\") {\n console.trace();\n console.error(this.handler, \" - error - \", e, e.message);\n }\n Strophe.fatal(\"error: \" + this.handler + \" \" +\n e.fileName + \":\" + e.lineNumber + \" - \" +\n e.name + \": \" + e.message);\n } else {\n Strophe.fatal(\"error: \" + e.message + \"\\n\" + e.stack);\n }\n\n throw e;\n }\n\n return result;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: toString\n * Get a String representation of the Strophe.Handler object.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A String.\n */\n toString: function () {\n return \"{Handler: \" + this.handler + \"(\" + this.name + \",\" +\n this.id + \",\" + this.ns + \")}\";\n }\n };\n\n /** PrivateClass: Strophe.TimedHandler\n * _Private_ helper class for managing timed handlers.\n *\n * A Strophe.TimedHandler encapsulates a user provided callback that\n * should be called after a certain period of time or at regular\n * intervals. The return value of the callback determines whether the\n * Strophe.TimedHandler will continue to fire.\n *\n * Users will not use Strophe.TimedHandler objects directly, but instead\n * they will use Strophe.Connection.addTimedHandler() and\n * Strophe.Connection.deleteTimedHandler().\n */\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.TimedHandler\n * Create and initialize a new Strophe.TimedHandler object.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) period - The number of milliseconds to wait before the\n * handler is called.\n * (Function) handler - The callback to run when the handler fires. This\n * function should take no arguments.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.TimedHandler object.\n */\n Strophe.TimedHandler = function (period, handler) {\n this.period = period;\n this.handler = handler;\n\n this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();\n this.user = true;\n };\n\n Strophe.TimedHandler.prototype = {\n /** PrivateFunction: run\n * Run the callback for the Strophe.TimedHandler.\n *\n * Returns:\n * true if the Strophe.TimedHandler should be called again, and false\n * otherwise.\n */\n run: function () {\n this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();\n return this.handler();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: reset\n * Reset the last called time for the Strophe.TimedHandler.\n */\n reset: function () {\n this.lastCalled = new Date().getTime();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: toString\n * Get a string representation of the Strophe.TimedHandler object.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The string representation.\n */\n toString: function () {\n return \"{TimedHandler: \" + this.handler + \"(\" + this.period + \")}\";\n }\n };\n\n /** Class: Strophe.Connection\n * XMPP Connection manager.\n *\n * This class is the main part of Strophe. It manages a BOSH or websocket\n * connection to an XMPP server and dispatches events to the user callbacks\n * as data arrives. It supports SASL PLAIN, SASL DIGEST-MD5, SASL SCRAM-SHA1\n * and legacy authentication.\n *\n * After creating a Strophe.Connection object, the user will typically\n * call connect() with a user supplied callback to handle connection level\n * events like authentication failure, disconnection, or connection\n * complete.\n *\n * The user will also have several event handlers defined by using\n * addHandler() and addTimedHandler(). These will allow the user code to\n * respond to interesting stanzas or do something periodically with the\n * connection. These handlers will be active once authentication is\n * finished.\n *\n * To send data to the connection, use send().\n */\n\n /** Constructor: Strophe.Connection\n * Create and initialize a Strophe.Connection object.\n *\n * The transport-protocol for this connection will be chosen automatically\n * based on the given service parameter. URLs starting with \"ws://\" or\n * \"wss://\" will use WebSockets, URLs starting with \"http://\", \"https://\"\n * or without a protocol will use BOSH.\n *\n * To make Strophe connect to the current host you can leave out the protocol\n * and host part and just pass the path, e.g.\n *\n * > var conn = new Strophe.Connection(\"/http-bind/\");\n *\n * Options common to both Websocket and BOSH:\n * ------------------------------------------\n *\n * The \"cookies\" option allows you to pass in cookies to be added to the\n * document. These cookies will then be included in the BOSH XMLHttpRequest\n * or in the websocket connection.\n *\n * The passed in value must be a map of cookie names and string values:\n *\n * { \"myCookie\": {\n * \"value\": \"1234\",\n * \"domain\": \".example.org\",\n * \"path\": \"/\",\n * \"expires\": expirationDate\n * }\n * }\n *\n * Note that cookies can't be set in this way for other domains (i.e. cross-domain).\n * Those cookies need to be set under those domains, for example they can be\n * set server-side by making a XHR call to that domain to ask it to set any\n * necessary cookies.\n *\n * WebSocket options:\n * ------------------\n *\n * If you want to connect to the current host with a WebSocket connection you\n * can tell Strophe to use WebSockets through a \"protocol\" attribute in the\n * optional options parameter. Valid values are \"ws\" for WebSocket and \"wss\"\n * for Secure WebSocket.\n * So to connect to \"wss://CURRENT_HOSTNAME/xmpp-websocket\" you would call\n *\n * > var conn = new Strophe.Connection(\"/xmpp-websocket/\", {protocol: \"wss\"});\n *\n * Note that relative URLs _NOT_ starting with a \"/\" will also include the path\n * of the current site.\n *\n * Also because downgrading security is not permitted by browsers, when using\n * relative URLs both BOSH and WebSocket connections will use their secure\n * variants if the current connection to the site is also secure (https).\n *\n * BOSH options:\n * -------------\n *\n * By adding \"sync\" to the options, you can control if requests will\n * be made synchronously or not. The default behaviour is asynchronous.\n * If you want to make requests synchronous, make \"sync\" evaluate to true:\n * > var conn = new Strophe.Connection(\"/http-bind/\", {sync: true});\n *\n * You can also toggle this on an already established connection:\n * > conn.options.sync = true;\n *\n * The \"customHeaders\" option can be used to provide custom HTTP headers to be\n * included in the XMLHttpRequests made.\n *\n * The \"keepalive\" option can be used to instruct Strophe to maintain the\n * current BOSH session across interruptions such as webpage reloads.\n *\n * It will do this by caching the sessions tokens in sessionStorage, and when\n * \"restore\" is called it will check whether there are cached tokens with\n * which it can resume an existing session.\n *\n * The \"withCredentials\" option should receive a Boolean value and is used to\n * indicate wether cookies should be included in ajax requests (by default\n * they're not).\n * Set this value to true if you are connecting to a BOSH service\n * and for some reason need to send cookies to it.\n * In order for this to work cross-domain, the server must also enable\n * credentials by setting the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response header\n * to \"true\". For most usecases however this setting should be false (which\n * is the default).\n * Additionally, when using Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, the\n * Access-Control-Allow-Origin header can't be set to the wildcard \"*\", but\n * instead must be restricted to actual domains.\n *\n * The \"contentType\" option can be set to change the default Content-Type\n * of \"text/xml; charset=utf-8\", which can be useful to reduce the amount of\n * CORS preflight requests that are sent to the server.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) service - The BOSH or WebSocket service URL.\n * (Object) options - A hash of configuration options\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Connection object.\n */\n Strophe.Connection = function (service, options) {\n // The service URL\n this.service = service;\n // Configuration options\n this.options = options || {};\n var proto = this.options.protocol || \"\";\n\n // Select protocal based on service or options\n if (service.indexOf(\"ws:\") === 0 || service.indexOf(\"wss:\") === 0 ||\n proto.indexOf(\"ws\") === 0) {\n this._proto = new Strophe.Websocket(this);\n } else {\n this._proto = new Strophe.Bosh(this);\n }\n\n /* The connected JID. */\n this.jid = \"\";\n /* the JIDs domain */\n this.domain = null;\n /* stream:features */\n this.features = null;\n\n // SASL\n this._sasl_data = {};\n this.do_session = false;\n this.do_bind = false;\n\n // handler lists\n this.timedHandlers = [];\n this.handlers = [];\n this.removeTimeds = [];\n this.removeHandlers = [];\n this.addTimeds = [];\n this.addHandlers = [];\n\n this._authentication = {};\n this._idleTimeout = null;\n this._disconnectTimeout = null;\n\n this.authenticated = false;\n this.connected = false;\n this.disconnecting = false;\n this.do_authentication = true;\n this.paused = false;\n this.restored = false;\n\n this._data = [];\n this._uniqueId = 0;\n\n this._sasl_success_handler = null;\n this._sasl_failure_handler = null;\n this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;\n\n // Max retries before disconnecting\n this.maxRetries = 5;\n\n // Call onIdle callback every 1/10th of a second\n // XXX: setTimeout should be called only with function expressions (23974bc1)\n this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n this._onIdle();\n }.bind(this), 100);\n\n utils.addCookies(this.options.cookies);\n\n // initialize plugins\n for (var k in Strophe._connectionPlugins) {\n if (Strophe._connectionPlugins.hasOwnProperty(k)) {\n var ptype = Strophe._connectionPlugins[k];\n // jslint complaints about the below line, but this is fine\n var F = function () {\n }; // jshint ignore:line\n F.prototype = ptype;\n this[k] = new F();\n this[k].init(this);\n }\n }\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype = {\n /** Function: reset\n * Reset the connection.\n *\n * This function should be called after a connection is disconnected\n * before that connection is reused.\n */\n reset: function () {\n this._proto._reset();\n\n // SASL\n this.do_session = false;\n this.do_bind = false;\n\n // handler lists\n this.timedHandlers = [];\n this.handlers = [];\n this.removeTimeds = [];\n this.removeHandlers = [];\n this.addTimeds = [];\n this.addHandlers = [];\n this._authentication = {};\n\n this.authenticated = false;\n this.connected = false;\n this.disconnecting = false;\n this.restored = false;\n\n this._data = [];\n this._requests = [];\n this._uniqueId = 0;\n },\n\n /** Function: pause\n * Pause the request manager.\n *\n * This will prevent Strophe from sending any more requests to the\n * server. This is very useful for temporarily pausing\n * BOSH-Connections while a lot of send() calls are happening quickly.\n * This causes Strophe to send the data in a single request, saving\n * many request trips.\n */\n pause: function () {\n this.paused = true;\n },\n\n setJid: function (jid) {\n this.jid = jid;\n this.authzid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.jid);\n this.authcid = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid);\n },\n\n getJid: function () {\n return this.jid;\n },\n\n /** Function: resume\n * Resume the request manager.\n *\n * This resumes after pause() has been called.\n */\n\n resume: function () {\n this.paused = false;\n },\n\n /** Function: getUniqueId\n * Generate a unique ID for use in elements.\n *\n * All stanzas are required to have unique id attributes. This\n * function makes creating these easy. Each connection instance has\n * a counter which starts from zero, and the value of this counter\n * plus a colon followed by the suffix becomes the unique id. If no\n * suffix is supplied, the counter is used as the unique id.\n *\n * Suffixes are used to make debugging easier when reading the stream\n * data, and their use is recommended. The counter resets to 0 for\n * every new connection for the same reason. For connections to the\n * same server that authenticate the same way, all the ids should be\n * the same, which makes it easy to see changes. This is useful for\n * automated testing as well.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) suffix - A optional suffix to append to the id.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A unique string to be used for the id attribute.\n */\n getUniqueId: function (suffix) {\n var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {\n var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0,\n v = c == 'x' ? r : r & 0x3 | 0x8;\n return v.toString(16);\n });\n if (typeof(suffix) == \"string\" || typeof(suffix) == \"number\") {\n return uuid + \":\" + suffix;\n } else {\n return uuid + \"\";\n }\n },\n\n /** Function: connect\n * Starts the connection process.\n *\n * As the connection process proceeds, the user supplied callback will\n * be triggered multiple times with status updates. The callback\n * should take two arguments - the status code and the error condition.\n *\n * The status code will be one of the values in the Strophe.Status\n * constants. The error condition will be one of the conditions\n * defined in RFC 3920 or the condition 'strophe-parsererror'.\n *\n * The Parameters _wait_, _hold_ and _route_ are optional and only relevant\n * for BOSH connections. Please see XEP 124 for a more detailed explanation\n * of the optional parameters.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - The user's JID. This may be a bare JID,\n * or a full JID. If a node is not supplied, SASL ANONYMOUS\n * authentication will be attempted.\n * (String) pass - The user's password.\n * (Function) callback - The connect callback function.\n * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the\n * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for\n * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.\n * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the\n * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This\n * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).\n * (String) route - The optional route value.\n * (String) authcid - The optional alternative authentication identity\n * (username) if intending to impersonate another user.\n * When using the SASL-EXTERNAL authentication mechanism, for example\n * with client certificates, then the authcid value is used to\n * determine whether an authorization JID (authzid) should be sent to\n * the server. The authzid should not be sent to the server if the\n * authzid and authcid are the same. So to prevent it from being sent\n * (for example when the JID is already contained in the client\n * certificate), set authcid to that same JID. See XEP-178 for more\n * details.\n */\n connect: function (jid, pass, callback, wait, hold, route, authcid) {\n this.jid = jid;\n /** Variable: authzid\n * Authorization identity.\n */\n this.authzid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.jid);\n\n /** Variable: authcid\n * Authentication identity (User name).\n */\n this.authcid = authcid || Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid);\n\n /** Variable: pass\n * Authentication identity (User password).\n */\n this.pass = pass;\n\n /** Variable: servtype\n * Digest MD5 compatibility.\n */\n this.servtype = \"xmpp\";\n\n this.connect_callback = callback;\n this.disconnecting = false;\n this.connected = false;\n this.authenticated = false;\n this.restored = false;\n\n // parse jid for domain\n this.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this.jid);\n\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTING, null);\n\n this._proto._connect(wait, hold, route);\n },\n\n /** Function: attach\n * Attach to an already created and authenticated BOSH session.\n *\n * This function is provided to allow Strophe to attach to BOSH\n * sessions which have been created externally, perhaps by a Web\n * application. This is often used to support auto-login type features\n * without putting user credentials into the page.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - The full JID that is bound by the session.\n * (String) sid - The SID of the BOSH session.\n * (String) rid - The current RID of the BOSH session. This RID\n * will be used by the next request.\n * (Function) callback The connect callback function.\n * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the\n * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for\n * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.\n * Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.\n * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the\n * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This\n * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).\n * (Integer) wind - The optional HTTBIND window value. This is the\n * allowed range of request ids that are valid. The default is 5.\n */\n attach: function (jid, sid, rid, callback, wait, hold, wind) {\n if (this._proto instanceof Strophe.Bosh) {\n this._proto._attach(jid, sid, rid, callback, wait, hold, wind);\n } else {\n throw {\n name: 'StropheSessionError',\n message: 'The \"attach\" method can only be used with a BOSH connection.'\n };\n }\n },\n\n /** Function: restore\n * Attempt to restore a cached BOSH session.\n *\n * This function is only useful in conjunction with providing the\n * \"keepalive\":true option when instantiating a new Strophe.Connection.\n *\n * When \"keepalive\" is set to true, Strophe will cache the BOSH tokens\n * RID (Request ID) and SID (Session ID) and then when this function is\n * called, it will attempt to restore the session from those cached\n * tokens.\n *\n * This function must therefore be called instead of connect or attach.\n *\n * For an example on how to use it, please see examples/restore.js\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - The user's JID. This may be a bare JID or a full JID.\n * (Function) callback - The connect callback function.\n * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the\n * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for\n * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.\n * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the\n * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This\n * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).\n * (Integer) wind - The optional HTTBIND window value. This is the\n * allowed range of request ids that are valid. The default is 5.\n */\n restore: function (jid, callback, wait, hold, wind) {\n if (this._sessionCachingSupported()) {\n this._proto._restore(jid, callback, wait, hold, wind);\n } else {\n throw {\n name: 'StropheSessionError',\n message: 'The \"restore\" method can only be used with a BOSH connection.'\n };\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sessionCachingSupported\n * Checks whether sessionStorage and JSON are supported and whether we're\n * using BOSH.\n */\n _sessionCachingSupported: function () {\n if (this._proto instanceof Strophe.Bosh) {\n if (!JSON) {\n return false;\n }\n try {\n window.sessionStorage.setItem('_strophe_', '_strophe_');\n window.sessionStorage.removeItem('_strophe_');\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n /** Function: xmlInput\n * User overrideable function that receives XML data coming into the\n * connection.\n *\n * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with\n * > Strophe.Connection.xmlInput = function (elem) {\n * > (user code)\n * > };\n *\n * Due to limitations of current Browsers' XML-Parsers the opening and closing\n * tag for WebSocket-Connoctions will be passed as selfclosing here.\n *\n * BOSH-Connections will have all stanzas wrapped in a tag. See\n * if you want to strip this tag.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The XML data received by the connection.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n xmlInput: function (elem) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** Function: xmlOutput\n * User overrideable function that receives XML data sent to the\n * connection.\n *\n * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with\n * > Strophe.Connection.xmlOutput = function (elem) {\n * > (user code)\n * > };\n *\n * Due to limitations of current Browsers' XML-Parsers the opening and closing\n * tag for WebSocket-Connoctions will be passed as selfclosing here.\n *\n * BOSH-Connections will have all stanzas wrapped in a tag. See\n * if you want to strip this tag.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The XMLdata sent by the connection.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n xmlOutput: function (elem) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** Function: rawInput\n * User overrideable function that receives raw data coming into the\n * connection.\n *\n * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with\n * > Strophe.Connection.rawInput = function (data) {\n * > (user code)\n * > };\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) data - The data received by the connection.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n rawInput: function (data) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** Function: rawOutput\n * User overrideable function that receives raw data sent to the\n * connection.\n *\n * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with\n * > Strophe.Connection.rawOutput = function (data) {\n * > (user code)\n * > };\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) data - The data sent by the connection.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n rawOutput: function (data) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** Function: nextValidRid\n * User overrideable function that receives the new valid rid.\n *\n * The default function does nothing. User code can override this with\n * > Strophe.Connection.nextValidRid = function (rid) {\n * > (user code)\n * > };\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Number) rid - The next valid rid\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n nextValidRid: function (rid) {\n return;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** Function: send\n * Send a stanza.\n *\n * This function is called to push data onto the send queue to\n * go out over the wire. Whenever a request is sent to the BOSH\n * server, all pending data is sent and the queue is flushed.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement |\n * [XMLElement] |\n * Strophe.Builder) elem - The stanza to send.\n */\n send: function (elem) {\n if (elem === null) {\n return;\n }\n if (typeof(elem.sort) === \"function\") {\n for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {\n this._queueData(elem[i]);\n }\n } else if (typeof(elem.tree) === \"function\") {\n this._queueData(elem.tree());\n } else {\n this._queueData(elem);\n }\n\n this._proto._send();\n },\n\n /** Function: flush\n * Immediately send any pending outgoing data.\n *\n * Normally send() queues outgoing data until the next idle period\n * (100ms), which optimizes network use in the common cases when\n * several send()s are called in succession. flush() can be used to\n * immediately send all pending data.\n */\n flush: function () {\n // cancel the pending idle period and run the idle function\n // immediately\n clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);\n this._onIdle();\n },\n\n /** Function: sendIQ\n * Helper function to send IQ stanzas.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza to send.\n * (Function) callback - The callback function for a successful request.\n * (Function) errback - The callback function for a failed or timed\n * out request. On timeout, the stanza will be null.\n * (Integer) timeout - The time specified in milliseconds for a\n * timeout to occur.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The id used to send the IQ.\n */\n sendIQ: function (elem, callback, errback, timeout) {\n var timeoutHandler = null;\n var that = this;\n\n if (typeof(elem.tree) === \"function\") {\n elem = elem.tree();\n }\n var id = elem.getAttribute('id');\n\n // inject id if not found\n if (!id) {\n id = this.getUniqueId(\"sendIQ\");\n elem.setAttribute(\"id\", id);\n }\n\n var expectedFrom = elem.getAttribute(\"to\");\n var fulljid = this.jid;\n\n var handler = this.addHandler(function (stanza) {\n // remove timeout handler if there is one\n if (timeoutHandler) {\n that.deleteTimedHandler(timeoutHandler);\n }\n\n var acceptable = false;\n var from = stanza.getAttribute(\"from\");\n if (from === expectedFrom ||\n (!expectedFrom &&\n (from === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(fulljid) ||\n from === Strophe.getDomainFromJid(fulljid) ||\n from === fulljid))) {\n acceptable = true;\n }\n\n if (!acceptable) {\n throw {\n name: \"StropheError\",\n message: \"Got answer to IQ from wrong jid:\" + from +\n \"\\nExpected jid: \" + expectedFrom\n };\n }\n\n var iqtype = stanza.getAttribute('type');\n if (iqtype == 'result') {\n if (callback) {\n callback(stanza);\n }\n } else if (iqtype == 'error') {\n if (errback) {\n errback(stanza);\n }\n } else {\n throw {\n name: \"StropheError\",\n message: \"Got bad IQ type of \" + iqtype\n };\n }\n }, null, 'iq', ['error', 'result'], id);\n\n // if timeout specified, setup timeout handler.\n if (timeout) {\n timeoutHandler = this.addTimedHandler(timeout, function () {\n // get rid of normal handler\n that.deleteHandler(handler);\n // call errback on timeout with null stanza\n if (errback) {\n errback(null);\n }\n return false;\n });\n }\n this.send(elem);\n return id;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _queueData\n * Queue outgoing data for later sending. Also ensures that the data\n * is a DOMElement.\n */\n _queueData: function (element) {\n if (element === null || !element.tagName || !element.childNodes) {\n throw {\n name: \"StropheError\",\n message: \"Cannot queue non-DOMElement.\"\n };\n }\n this._data.push(element);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sendRestart\n * Send an xmpp:restart stanza.\n */\n _sendRestart: function () {\n this._data.push(\"restart\");\n this._proto._sendRestart();\n // XXX: setTimeout should be called only with function expressions (23974bc1)\n this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n this._onIdle();\n }.bind(this), 100);\n },\n\n /** Function: addTimedHandler\n * Add a timed handler to the connection.\n *\n * This function adds a timed handler. The provided handler will\n * be called every period milliseconds until it returns false,\n * the connection is terminated, or the handler is removed. Handlers\n * that wish to continue being invoked should return true.\n *\n * Because of method binding it is necessary to save the result of\n * this function if you wish to remove a handler with\n * deleteTimedHandler().\n *\n * Note that user handlers are not active until authentication is\n * successful.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) period - The period of the handler.\n * (Function) handler - The callback function.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A reference to the handler that can be used to remove it.\n */\n addTimedHandler: function (period, handler) {\n var thand = new Strophe.TimedHandler(period, handler);\n this.addTimeds.push(thand);\n return thand;\n },\n\n /** Function: deleteTimedHandler\n * Delete a timed handler for a connection.\n *\n * This function removes a timed handler from the connection. The\n * handRef parameter is *not* the function passed to addTimedHandler(),\n * but is the reference returned from addTimedHandler().\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.TimedHandler) handRef - The handler reference.\n */\n deleteTimedHandler: function (handRef) {\n // this must be done in the Idle loop so that we don't change\n // the handlers during iteration\n this.removeTimeds.push(handRef);\n },\n\n /** Function: addHandler\n * Add a stanza handler for the connection.\n *\n * This function adds a stanza handler to the connection. The\n * handler callback will be called for any stanza that matches\n * the parameters. Note that if multiple parameters are supplied,\n * they must all match for the handler to be invoked.\n *\n * The handler will receive the stanza that triggered it as its argument.\n * *The handler should return true if it is to be invoked again;\n * returning false will remove the handler after it returns.*\n *\n * As a convenience, the ns parameters applies to the top level element\n * and also any of its immediate children. This is primarily to make\n * matching /iq/query elements easy.\n *\n * The options argument contains handler matching flags that affect how\n * matches are determined. Currently the only flag is matchBare (a\n * boolean). When matchBare is true, the from parameter and the from\n * attribute on the stanza will be matched as bare JIDs instead of\n * full JIDs. To use this, pass {matchBare: true} as the value of\n * options. The default value for matchBare is false.\n *\n * The return value should be saved if you wish to remove the handler\n * with deleteHandler().\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Function) handler - The user callback.\n * (String) ns - The namespace to match.\n * (String) name - The stanza name to match.\n * (String) type - The stanza type attribute to match.\n * (String) id - The stanza id attribute to match.\n * (String) from - The stanza from attribute to match.\n * (String) options - The handler options\n *\n * Returns:\n * A reference to the handler that can be used to remove it.\n */\n addHandler: function (handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options) {\n var hand = new Strophe.Handler(handler, ns, name, type, id, from, options);\n this.addHandlers.push(hand);\n return hand;\n },\n\n /** Function: deleteHandler\n * Delete a stanza handler for a connection.\n *\n * This function removes a stanza handler from the connection. The\n * handRef parameter is *not* the function passed to addHandler(),\n * but is the reference returned from addHandler().\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Handler) handRef - The handler reference.\n */\n deleteHandler: function (handRef) {\n // this must be done in the Idle loop so that we don't change\n // the handlers during iteration\n this.removeHandlers.push(handRef);\n // If a handler is being deleted while it is being added,\n // prevent it from getting added\n var i = this.addHandlers.indexOf(handRef);\n if (i >= 0) {\n this.addHandlers.splice(i, 1);\n }\n },\n\n /** Function: disconnect\n * Start the graceful disconnection process.\n *\n * This function starts the disconnection process. This process starts\n * by sending unavailable presence and sending BOSH body of type\n * terminate. A timeout handler makes sure that disconnection happens\n * even if the BOSH server does not respond.\n * If the Connection object isn't connected, at least tries to abort all pending requests\n * so the connection object won't generate successful requests (which were already opened).\n *\n * The user supplied connection callback will be notified of the\n * progress as this process happens.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) reason - The reason the disconnect is occuring.\n */\n disconnect: function (reason) {\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING, reason);\n\n Strophe.info(\"Disconnect was called because: \" + reason);\n if (this.connected) {\n var pres = false;\n this.disconnecting = true;\n if (this.authenticated) {\n pres = $pres({\n xmlns: Strophe.NS.CLIENT,\n type: 'unavailable'\n });\n }\n // setup timeout handler\n this._disconnectTimeout = this._addSysTimedHandler(\n 3000, this._onDisconnectTimeout.bind(this));\n this._proto._disconnect(pres);\n } else {\n Strophe.info(\"Disconnect was called before Strophe connected to the server\");\n this._proto._abortAllRequests();\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _changeConnectStatus\n * _Private_ helper function that makes sure plugins and the user's\n * callback are notified of connection status changes.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) status - the new connection status, one of the values\n * in Strophe.Status\n * (String) condition - the error condition or null\n */\n _changeConnectStatus: function (status, condition) {\n // notify all plugins listening for status changes\n for (var k in Strophe._connectionPlugins) {\n if (Strophe._connectionPlugins.hasOwnProperty(k)) {\n var plugin = this[k];\n if (plugin.statusChanged) {\n try {\n plugin.statusChanged(status, condition);\n } catch (err) {\n Strophe.error(\"\" + k + \" plugin caused an exception \" +\n \"changing status: \" + err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // notify the user's callback\n if (this.connect_callback) {\n try {\n this.connect_callback(status, condition);\n } catch (e) {\n Strophe.error(\"User connection callback caused an \" +\n \"exception: \" + e);\n }\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _doDisconnect\n * _Private_ function to disconnect.\n *\n * This is the last piece of the disconnection logic. This resets the\n * connection and alerts the user's connection callback.\n */\n _doDisconnect: function (condition) {\n if (typeof this._idleTimeout == \"number\") {\n clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);\n }\n\n // Cancel Disconnect Timeout\n if (this._disconnectTimeout !== null) {\n this.deleteTimedHandler(this._disconnectTimeout);\n this._disconnectTimeout = null;\n }\n\n Strophe.info(\"_doDisconnect was called\");\n this._proto._doDisconnect();\n\n this.authenticated = false;\n this.disconnecting = false;\n this.restored = false;\n\n // delete handlers\n this.handlers = [];\n this.timedHandlers = [];\n this.removeTimeds = [];\n this.removeHandlers = [];\n this.addTimeds = [];\n this.addHandlers = [];\n\n // tell the parent we disconnected\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED, condition);\n this.connected = false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _dataRecv\n * _Private_ handler to processes incoming data from the the connection.\n *\n * Except for _connect_cb handling the initial connection request,\n * this function handles the incoming data for all requests. This\n * function also fires stanza handlers that match each incoming\n * stanza.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) req - The request that has data ready.\n * (string) req - The stanza a raw string (optiona).\n */\n _dataRecv: function (req, raw) {\n Strophe.info(\"_dataRecv called\");\n WebIM && WebIM.config.isDebug && Strophe.info(JSON.stringify(req));\n var elem = this._proto._reqToData(req);\n if (elem === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.xmlInput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.xmlInput) {\n if (elem.nodeName === this._proto.strip && elem.childNodes.length) {\n this.xmlInput(elem.childNodes[0]);\n } else {\n this.xmlInput(elem);\n }\n }\n if (this.rawInput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.rawInput) {\n if (raw) {\n this.rawInput(raw);\n } else {\n this.rawInput(Strophe.serialize(elem));\n }\n }\n\n // remove handlers scheduled for deletion\n var i, hand;\n while (this.removeHandlers.length > 0) {\n hand = this.removeHandlers.pop();\n i = this.handlers.indexOf(hand);\n if (i >= 0) {\n this.handlers.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // add handlers scheduled for addition\n while (this.addHandlers.length > 0) {\n this.handlers.push(this.addHandlers.pop());\n }\n\n // handle graceful disconnect\n if (this.disconnecting && this._proto._emptyQueue()) {\n this._doDisconnect();\n return;\n }\n\n var type = elem.getAttribute(\"type\");\n var cond, conflict;\n if (type !== null && type == \"terminate\") {\n // Don't process stanzas that come in after disconnect\n if (this.disconnecting) {\n return;\n }\n\n // an error occurred\n cond = elem.getAttribute(\"condition\");\n conflict = elem.getElementsByTagName(\"conflict\");\n if (cond !== null) {\n if (cond == \"remote-stream-error\" && conflict.length > 0) {\n cond = \"conflict\";\n }\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, cond);\n } else {\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, \"unknown\");\n }\n this._doDisconnect(cond);\n return;\n }\n\n // send each incoming stanza through the handler chain\n var that = this;\n Strophe.forEachChild(elem, null, function (child) {\n var i, newList;\n // process handlers\n newList = that.handlers;\n that.handlers = [];\n for (i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) {\n var hand = newList[i];\n // encapsulate 'handler.run' not to lose the whole handler list if\n // one of the handlers throws an exception\n try {\n if (hand.isMatch(child) &&\n (that.authenticated || !hand.user)) {\n if (hand.run(child)) {\n that.handlers.push(hand);\n }\n } else {\n that.handlers.push(hand);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n // if the handler throws an exception, we consider it as false\n Strophe.warn('Removing Strophe handlers due to uncaught exception: ' + e.message);\n }\n }\n });\n },\n\n\n /** Attribute: mechanisms\n * SASL Mechanisms available for Conncection.\n */\n mechanisms: {},\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect_cb\n * _Private_ handler for initial connection request.\n *\n * This handler is used to process the initial connection request\n * response from the BOSH server. It is used to set up authentication\n * handlers and start the authentication process.\n *\n * SASL authentication will be attempted if available, otherwise\n * the code will fall back to legacy authentication.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) req - The current request.\n * (Function) _callback - low level (xmpp) connect callback function.\n * Useful for plugins with their own xmpp connect callback (when their)\n * want to do something special).\n */\n _connect_cb: function (req, _callback, raw) {\n Strophe.info(\"_connect_cb was called\");\n\n this.connected = true;\n\n var bodyWrap;\n try {\n bodyWrap = this._proto._reqToData(req);\n } catch (e) {\n if (e != \"badformat\") {\n throw e;\n }\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, 'bad-format');\n this._doDisconnect('bad-format');\n }\n if (!bodyWrap) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.xmlInput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.xmlInput) {\n if (bodyWrap.nodeName === this._proto.strip && bodyWrap.childNodes.length) {\n this.xmlInput(bodyWrap.childNodes[0]);\n } else {\n this.xmlInput(bodyWrap);\n }\n }\n if (this.rawInput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.rawInput) {\n if (raw) {\n this.rawInput(raw);\n } else {\n this.rawInput(Strophe.serialize(bodyWrap));\n }\n }\n\n var conncheck = this._proto._connect_cb(bodyWrap);\n if (conncheck === Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._authentication.sasl_scram_sha1 = false;\n this._authentication.sasl_plain = false;\n this._authentication.sasl_digest_md5 = false;\n this._authentication.sasl_anonymous = false;\n this._authentication.legacy_auth = false;\n\n // Check for the stream:features tag\n var hasFeatures;\n if (bodyWrap.getElementsByTagNameNS) {\n hasFeatures = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.STREAM, \"features\").length > 0;\n } else {\n hasFeatures = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"stream:features\").length > 0 || bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"features\").length > 0;\n }\n var mechanisms = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"mechanism\");\n var matched = [];\n var i, mech, found_authentication = false;\n if (!hasFeatures) {\n this._proto._no_auth_received(_callback);\n return;\n }\n if (mechanisms.length > 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < mechanisms.length; i++) {\n mech = Strophe.getText(mechanisms[i]);\n if (this.mechanisms[mech]) matched.push(this.mechanisms[mech]);\n }\n }\n this._authentication.legacy_auth =\n bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"auth\").length > 0;\n found_authentication = this._authentication.legacy_auth ||\n matched.length > 0;\n if (!found_authentication) {\n this._proto._no_auth_received(_callback);\n return;\n }\n if (this.do_authentication !== false)\n this.authenticate(matched);\n },\n\n /** Function: authenticate\n * Set up authentication\n *\n * Contiunues the initial connection request by setting up authentication\n * handlers and start the authentication process.\n *\n * SASL authentication will be attempted if available, otherwise\n * the code will fall back to legacy authentication.\n *\n */\n authenticate: function (matched) {\n var i;\n // Sorting matched mechanisms according to priority.\n for (i = 0; i < matched.length - 1; ++i) {\n var higher = i;\n for (var j = i + 1; j < matched.length; ++j) {\n if (matched[j].prototype.priority > matched[higher].prototype.priority) {\n higher = j;\n }\n }\n if (higher != i) {\n var swap = matched[i];\n matched[i] = matched[higher];\n matched[higher] = swap;\n }\n }\n\n // run each mechanism\n var mechanism_found = false;\n for (i = 0; i < matched.length; ++i) {\n if (!matched[i].prototype.test(this)) continue;\n\n this._sasl_success_handler = this._addSysHandler(\n this._sasl_success_cb.bind(this), null,\n \"success\", null, null);\n this._sasl_failure_handler = this._addSysHandler(\n this._sasl_failure_cb.bind(this), null,\n \"failure\", null, null);\n this._sasl_challenge_handler = this._addSysHandler(\n this._sasl_challenge_cb.bind(this), null,\n \"challenge\", null, null);\n\n this._sasl_mechanism = new matched[i]();\n this._sasl_mechanism.onStart(this);\n\n var request_auth_exchange = $build(\"auth\", {\n xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL,\n mechanism: this._sasl_mechanism.name\n });\n\n if (this._sasl_mechanism.isClientFirst) {\n var response = this._sasl_mechanism.onChallenge(this, null);\n request_auth_exchange.t(Base64.encode(response));\n }\n this.send(request_auth_exchange.tree());\n mechanism_found = true;\n break;\n }\n\n if (!mechanism_found) {\n // if none of the mechanism worked\n if (Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid) === null) {\n // we don't have a node, which is required for non-anonymous\n // client connections\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL,\n 'x-strophe-bad-non-anon-jid');\n this.disconnect('x-strophe-bad-non-anon-jid');\n } else {\n // fall back to legacy authentication\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING, null);\n this._addSysHandler(this._auth1_cb.bind(this), null, null,\n null, \"_auth_1\");\n this.send($iq({\n type: \"get\",\n to: this.domain,\n id: \"_auth_1\"\n }).c(\"query\", {\n xmlns: Strophe.NS.AUTH\n }).c(\"username\", {}).t(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid)).tree());\n }\n }\n },\n\n _sasl_challenge_cb: function (elem) {\n var challenge = Base64.decode(Strophe.getText(elem));\n var response = this._sasl_mechanism.onChallenge(this, challenge);\n var stanza = $build('response', {\n xmlns: Strophe.NS.SASL\n });\n if (response !== \"\") {\n stanza.t(Base64.encode(response));\n }\n this.send(stanza.tree());\n return true;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _auth1_cb\n * _Private_ handler for legacy authentication.\n *\n * This handler is called in response to the initial \n * for legacy authentication. It builds an authentication and\n * sends it, creating a handler (calling back to _auth2_cb()) to\n * handle the result\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza that triggered the callback.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n _auth1_cb: function (elem) {\n // build plaintext auth iq\n var iq = $iq({type: \"set\", id: \"_auth_2\"})\n .c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.AUTH})\n .c('username', {}).t(Strophe.getNodeFromJid(this.jid))\n .up()\n .c('password').t(this.pass);\n\n if (!Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid)) {\n // since the user has not supplied a resource, we pick\n // a default one here. unlike other auth methods, the server\n // cannot do this for us.\n this.jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.jid) + '/strophe';\n }\n iq.up().c('resource', {}).t(Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid));\n\n this._addSysHandler(this._auth2_cb.bind(this), null,\n null, null, \"_auth_2\");\n this.send(iq.tree());\n return false;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_success_cb\n * _Private_ handler for succesful SASL authentication.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _sasl_success_cb: function (elem) {\n if (this._sasl_data[\"server-signature\"]) {\n var serverSignature;\n var success = Base64.decode(Strophe.getText(elem));\n var attribMatch = /([a-z]+)=([^,]+)(,|$)/;\n var matches = success.match(attribMatch);\n if (matches[1] == \"v\") {\n serverSignature = matches[2];\n }\n\n if (serverSignature != this._sasl_data[\"server-signature\"]) {\n // remove old handlers\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_failure_handler);\n this._sasl_failure_handler = null;\n if (this._sasl_challenge_handler) {\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_challenge_handler);\n this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;\n }\n\n this._sasl_data = {};\n return this._sasl_failure_cb(null);\n }\n }\n\n Strophe.info(\"SASL authentication succeeded.\");\n\n if (this._sasl_mechanism) {\n this._sasl_mechanism.onSuccess();\n }\n\n // remove old handlers\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_failure_handler);\n this._sasl_failure_handler = null;\n if (this._sasl_challenge_handler) {\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_challenge_handler);\n this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;\n }\n\n var streamfeature_handlers = [];\n var wrapper = function (handlers, elem) {\n while (handlers.length) {\n this.deleteHandler(handlers.pop());\n }\n this._sasl_auth1_cb.bind(this)(elem);\n return false;\n };\n streamfeature_handlers.push(this._addSysHandler(function (elem) {\n wrapper.bind(this)(streamfeature_handlers, elem);\n }.bind(this), null, \"stream:features\", null, null));\n streamfeature_handlers.push(this._addSysHandler(function (elem) {\n wrapper.bind(this)(streamfeature_handlers, elem);\n }.bind(this), Strophe.NS.STREAM, \"features\", null, null));\n\n // we must send an xmpp:restart now\n this._sendRestart();\n\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_auth1_cb\n * _Private_ handler to start stream binding.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _sasl_auth1_cb: function (elem) {\n // save stream:features for future usage\n this.features = elem;\n var i, child;\n for (i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {\n child = elem.childNodes[i];\n if (child.nodeName == 'bind') {\n this.do_bind = true;\n }\n\n if (child.nodeName == 'session') {\n this.do_session = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (!this.do_bind) {\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);\n return false;\n } else {\n this._addSysHandler(this._sasl_bind_cb.bind(this), null, null,\n null, \"_bind_auth_2\");\n\n var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.jid);\n if (resource) {\n // this.send($iq({type: \"set\", id: \"_bind_auth_2\"})\n // .c('bind', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.BIND})\n // .c('resource', {}).t(resource).tree());\n try {\n this.send(\n $iq({type: \"set\", id: \"_bind_auth_2\"})\n .c('bind', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.BIND})\n .c('resource', {}).t(resource)\n .up()\n .c('os').t('webim')\n .up()\n .c('device_uuid').t('device_uuid')\n .up()\n .c('is_manual_login').t('true')\n .tree()\n );\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\"Bind Error: \", e.message);\n }\n } else {\n this.send($iq({type: \"set\", id: \"_bind_auth_2\"})\n .c('bind', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.BIND})\n .tree());\n }\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_bind_cb\n * _Private_ handler for binding result and session start.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _sasl_bind_cb: function (elem) {\n if (elem.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"error\") {\n Strophe.info(\"SASL binding failed.\");\n var conflict = elem.getElementsByTagName(\"conflict\"), condition;\n if (conflict.length > 0) {\n condition = 'conflict';\n }\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, condition);\n return false;\n }\n\n // TODO - need to grab errors\n var bind = elem.getElementsByTagName(\"bind\");\n var jidNode;\n if (bind.length > 0) {\n // Grab jid\n jidNode = bind[0].getElementsByTagName(\"jid\");\n if (jidNode.length > 0) {\n this.jid = Strophe.getText(jidNode[0]);\n\n if (this.do_session) {\n this._addSysHandler(this._sasl_session_cb.bind(this),\n null, null, null, \"_session_auth_2\");\n\n this.send($iq({type: \"set\", id: \"_session_auth_2\"})\n .c('session', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.SESSION})\n .tree());\n } else {\n this.authenticated = true;\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);\n }\n }\n } else {\n Strophe.info(\"SASL binding failed.\");\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);\n return false;\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_session_cb\n * _Private_ handler to finish successful SASL connection.\n *\n * This sets Connection.authenticated to true on success, which\n * starts the processing of user handlers.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _sasl_session_cb: function (elem) {\n if (elem.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"result\") {\n this.authenticated = true;\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);\n } else if (elem.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"error\") {\n Strophe.info(\"Session creation failed.\");\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);\n return false;\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sasl_failure_cb\n * _Private_ handler for SASL authentication failure.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The matching stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n _sasl_failure_cb: function (elem) {\n // delete unneeded handlers\n if (this._sasl_success_handler) {\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_success_handler);\n this._sasl_success_handler = null;\n }\n if (this._sasl_challenge_handler) {\n this.deleteHandler(this._sasl_challenge_handler);\n this._sasl_challenge_handler = null;\n }\n\n if (this._sasl_mechanism)\n this._sasl_mechanism.onFailure();\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);\n return false;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _auth2_cb\n * _Private_ handler to finish legacy authentication.\n *\n * This handler is called when the result from the jabber:iq:auth\n * stanza is returned.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The stanza that triggered the callback.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _auth2_cb: function (elem) {\n if (elem.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"result\") {\n this.authenticated = true;\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED, null);\n } else if (elem.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"error\") {\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL, null);\n this.disconnect('authentication failed');\n }\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _addSysTimedHandler\n * _Private_ function to add a system level timed handler.\n *\n * This function is used to add a Strophe.TimedHandler for the\n * library code. System timed handlers are allowed to run before\n * authentication is complete.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) period - The period of the handler.\n * (Function) handler - The callback function.\n */\n _addSysTimedHandler: function (period, handler) {\n var thand = new Strophe.TimedHandler(period, handler);\n thand.user = false;\n this.addTimeds.push(thand);\n return thand;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _addSysHandler\n * _Private_ function to add a system level stanza handler.\n *\n * This function is used to add a Strophe.Handler for the\n * library code. System stanza handlers are allowed to run before\n * authentication is complete.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Function) handler - The callback function.\n * (String) ns - The namespace to match.\n * (String) name - The stanza name to match.\n * (String) type - The stanza type attribute to match.\n * (String) id - The stanza id attribute to match.\n */\n _addSysHandler: function (handler, ns, name, type, id) {\n var hand = new Strophe.Handler(handler, ns, name, type, id);\n hand.user = false;\n this.addHandlers.push(hand);\n return hand;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onDisconnectTimeout\n * _Private_ timeout handler for handling non-graceful disconnection.\n *\n * If the graceful disconnect process does not complete within the\n * time allotted, this handler finishes the disconnect anyway.\n *\n * Returns:\n * false to remove the handler.\n */\n _onDisconnectTimeout: function () {\n Strophe.info(\"_onDisconnectTimeout was called\");\n this._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNTIMEOUT, null);\n this._proto._onDisconnectTimeout();\n // actually disconnect\n this._doDisconnect();\n return false;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onIdle\n * _Private_ handler to process events during idle cycle.\n *\n * This handler is called every 100ms to fire timed handlers that\n * are ready and keep poll requests going.\n */\n _onIdle: function () {\n var i, thand, since, newList;\n\n // add timed handlers scheduled for addition\n // NOTE: we add before remove in the case a timed handler is\n // added and then deleted before the next _onIdle() call.\n while (this.addTimeds.length > 0) {\n this.timedHandlers.push(this.addTimeds.pop());\n }\n\n // remove timed handlers that have been scheduled for deletion\n while (this.removeTimeds.length > 0) {\n thand = this.removeTimeds.pop();\n i = this.timedHandlers.indexOf(thand);\n if (i >= 0) {\n this.timedHandlers.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // call ready timed handlers\n var now = new Date().getTime();\n newList = [];\n for (i = 0; i < this.timedHandlers.length; i++) {\n thand = this.timedHandlers[i];\n if (this.authenticated || !thand.user) {\n since = thand.lastCalled + thand.period;\n if (since - now <= 0) {\n if (thand.run()) {\n newList.push(thand);\n }\n } else {\n newList.push(thand);\n }\n }\n }\n this.timedHandlers = newList;\n\n clearTimeout(this._idleTimeout);\n\n this._proto._onIdle();\n\n // reactivate the timer only if connected\n if (this.connected) {\n // XXX: setTimeout should be called only with function expressions (23974bc1)\n this._idleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n this._onIdle();\n }.bind(this), 100);\n }\n }\n };\n\n /** Class: Strophe.SASLMechanism\n *\n * encapsulates SASL authentication mechanisms.\n *\n * User code may override the priority for each mechanism or disable it completely.\n * See for information about changing priority and for informatian on\n * how to disable a mechanism.\n *\n * By default, all mechanisms are enabled and the priorities are\n *\n * EXTERNAL - 60\n * OAUTHBEARER - 50\n * SCRAM-SHA1 - 40\n * DIGEST-MD5 - 30\n * PLAIN - 20\n * ANONYMOUS - 10\n */\n\n /**\n * PrivateConstructor: Strophe.SASLMechanism\n * SASL auth mechanism abstraction.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) name - SASL Mechanism name.\n * (Boolean) isClientFirst - If client should send response first without challenge.\n * (Number) priority - Priority.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.SASLMechanism object.\n */\n Strophe.SASLMechanism = function (name, isClientFirst, priority) {\n /** PrivateVariable: name\n * Mechanism name.\n */\n this.name = name;\n /** PrivateVariable: isClientFirst\n * If client sends response without initial server challenge.\n */\n this.isClientFirst = isClientFirst;\n /** Variable: priority\n * Determines which is chosen for authentication (Higher is better).\n * Users may override this to prioritize mechanisms differently.\n *\n * In the default configuration the priorities are\n *\n * SCRAM-SHA1 - 40\n * DIGEST-MD5 - 30\n * Plain - 20\n *\n * Example: (This will cause Strophe to choose the mechanism that the server sent first)\n *\n * > Strophe.SASLMD5.priority = Strophe.SASLSHA1.priority;\n *\n * See for a list of available mechanisms.\n *\n */\n this.priority = priority;\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLMechanism.prototype = {\n /**\n * Function: test\n * Checks if mechanism able to run.\n * To disable a mechanism, make this return false;\n *\n * To disable plain authentication run\n * > Strophe.SASLPlain.test = function() {\n * > return false;\n * > }\n *\n * See for a list of available mechanisms.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Connection) connection - Target Connection.\n *\n * Returns:\n * (Boolean) If mechanism was able to run.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n test: function (connection) {\n return true;\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** PrivateFunction: onStart\n * Called before starting mechanism on some connection.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Connection) connection - Target Connection.\n */\n onStart: function (connection) {\n this._connection = connection;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: onChallenge\n * Called by protocol implementation on incoming challenge. If client is\n * first (isClientFirst == true) challenge will be null on the first call.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Connection) connection - Target Connection.\n * (String) challenge - current challenge to handle.\n *\n * Returns:\n * (String) Mechanism response.\n */\n /* jshint unused:false */\n onChallenge: function (connection, challenge) {\n throw new Error(\"You should implement challenge handling!\");\n },\n /* jshint unused:true */\n\n /** PrivateFunction: onFailure\n * Protocol informs mechanism implementation about SASL failure.\n */\n onFailure: function () {\n this._connection = null;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: onSuccess\n * Protocol informs mechanism implementation about SASL success.\n */\n onSuccess: function () {\n this._connection = null;\n }\n };\n\n /** Constants: SASL mechanisms\n * Available authentication mechanisms\n *\n * Strophe.SASLAnonymous - SASL ANONYMOUS authentication.\n * Strophe.SASLPlain - SASL PLAIN authentication.\n * Strophe.SASLMD5 - SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication\n * Strophe.SASLSHA1 - SASL SCRAM-SHA1 authentication\n * Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer - SASL OAuth Bearer authentication\n * Strophe.SASLExternal - SASL EXTERNAL authentication\n */\n\n// Building SASL callbacks\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLAnonymous\n * SASL ANONYMOUS authentication.\n */\n Strophe.SASLAnonymous = function () {\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLAnonymous.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"ANONYMOUS\", false, 10);\n\n Strophe.SASLAnonymous.prototype.test = function (connection) {\n return connection.authcid === null;\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLAnonymous.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLAnonymous;\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLPlain\n * SASL PLAIN authentication.\n */\n Strophe.SASLPlain = function () {\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLPlain.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"PLAIN\", true, 20);\n\n Strophe.SASLPlain.prototype.test = function (connection) {\n return connection.authcid !== null;\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLPlain.prototype.onChallenge = function (connection) {\n var auth_str = connection.authzid;\n auth_str = auth_str + \"\\u0000\";\n auth_str = auth_str + connection.authcid;\n auth_str = auth_str + \"\\u0000\";\n auth_str = auth_str + connection.pass;\n return utils.utf16to8(auth_str);\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLPlain.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLPlain;\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLSHA1\n * SASL SCRAM SHA 1 authentication.\n */\n Strophe.SASLSHA1 = function () {\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLSHA1.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"SCRAM-SHA-1\", true, 40);\n\n Strophe.SASLSHA1.prototype.test = function (connection) {\n return connection.authcid !== null;\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLSHA1.prototype.onChallenge = function (connection, challenge, test_cnonce) {\n var cnonce = test_cnonce || MD5.hexdigest(Math.random() * 1234567890);\n var auth_str = \"n=\" + utils.utf16to8(connection.authcid);\n auth_str += \",r=\";\n auth_str += cnonce;\n\n connection._sasl_data.cnonce = cnonce;\n connection._sasl_data[\"client-first-message-bare\"] = auth_str;\n\n auth_str = \"n,,\" + auth_str;\n\n this.onChallenge = function (connection, challenge) {\n var nonce, salt, iter, Hi, U, U_old, i, k, pass;\n var clientKey, serverKey, clientSignature;\n var responseText = \"c=biws,\";\n var authMessage = connection._sasl_data[\"client-first-message-bare\"] + \",\" +\n challenge + \",\";\n var cnonce = connection._sasl_data.cnonce;\n var attribMatch = /([a-z]+)=([^,]+)(,|$)/;\n\n while (challenge.match(attribMatch)) {\n var matches = challenge.match(attribMatch);\n challenge = challenge.replace(matches[0], \"\");\n switch (matches[1]) {\n case \"r\":\n nonce = matches[2];\n break;\n case \"s\":\n salt = matches[2];\n break;\n case \"i\":\n iter = matches[2];\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (nonce.substr(0, cnonce.length) !== cnonce) {\n connection._sasl_data = {};\n return connection._sasl_failure_cb();\n }\n\n responseText += \"r=\" + nonce;\n authMessage += responseText;\n\n salt = Base64.decode(salt);\n salt += \"\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\";\n\n pass = utils.utf16to8(connection.pass);\n Hi = U_old = SHA1.core_hmac_sha1(pass, salt);\n for (i = 1; i < iter; i++) {\n U = SHA1.core_hmac_sha1(pass, SHA1.binb2str(U_old));\n for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) {\n Hi[k] ^= U[k];\n }\n U_old = U;\n }\n Hi = SHA1.binb2str(Hi);\n\n clientKey = SHA1.core_hmac_sha1(Hi, \"Client Key\");\n serverKey = SHA1.str_hmac_sha1(Hi, \"Server Key\");\n clientSignature = SHA1.core_hmac_sha1(SHA1.str_sha1(SHA1.binb2str(clientKey)), authMessage);\n connection._sasl_data[\"server-signature\"] = SHA1.b64_hmac_sha1(serverKey, authMessage);\n\n for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) {\n clientKey[k] ^= clientSignature[k];\n }\n\n responseText += \",p=\" + Base64.encode(SHA1.binb2str(clientKey));\n return responseText;\n }.bind(this);\n\n return auth_str;\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLSHA1.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLSHA1;\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLMD5\n * SASL DIGEST MD5 authentication.\n */\n Strophe.SASLMD5 = function () {\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLMD5.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"DIGEST-MD5\", false, 30);\n\n Strophe.SASLMD5.prototype.test = function (connection) {\n return connection.authcid !== null;\n };\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _quote\n * _Private_ utility function to backslash escape and quote strings.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) str - The string to be quoted.\n *\n * Returns:\n * quoted string\n */\n Strophe.SASLMD5.prototype._quote = function (str) {\n return '\"' + str.replace(/\\\\/g, \"\\\\\\\\\").replace(/\"/g, '\\\\\"') + '\"';\n //\" end string workaround for emacs\n };\n\n\n Strophe.SASLMD5.prototype.onChallenge = function (connection, challenge, test_cnonce) {\n var attribMatch = /([a-z]+)=(\"[^\"]+\"|[^,\"]+)(?:,|$)/;\n var cnonce = test_cnonce || MD5.hexdigest(\"\" + (Math.random() * 1234567890));\n var realm = \"\";\n var host = null;\n var nonce = \"\";\n var qop = \"\";\n var matches;\n\n while (challenge.match(attribMatch)) {\n matches = challenge.match(attribMatch);\n challenge = challenge.replace(matches[0], \"\");\n matches[2] = matches[2].replace(/^\"(.+)\"$/, \"$1\");\n switch (matches[1]) {\n case \"realm\":\n realm = matches[2];\n break;\n case \"nonce\":\n nonce = matches[2];\n break;\n case \"qop\":\n qop = matches[2];\n break;\n case \"host\":\n host = matches[2];\n break;\n }\n }\n\n var digest_uri = connection.servtype + \"/\" + connection.domain;\n if (host !== null) {\n digest_uri = digest_uri + \"/\" + host;\n }\n\n var cred = utils.utf16to8(connection.authcid + \":\" + realm + \":\" + this._connection.pass);\n var A1 = MD5.hash(cred) + \":\" + nonce + \":\" + cnonce;\n var A2 = 'AUTHENTICATE:' + digest_uri;\n\n var responseText = \"\";\n responseText += 'charset=utf-8,';\n responseText += 'username=' + this._quote(utils.utf16to8(connection.authcid)) + ',';\n responseText += 'realm=' + this._quote(realm) + ',';\n responseText += 'nonce=' + this._quote(nonce) + ',';\n responseText += 'nc=00000001,';\n responseText += 'cnonce=' + this._quote(cnonce) + ',';\n responseText += 'digest-uri=' + this._quote(digest_uri) + ',';\n responseText += 'response=' + MD5.hexdigest(MD5.hexdigest(A1) + \":\" +\n nonce + \":00000001:\" +\n cnonce + \":auth:\" +\n MD5.hexdigest(A2)) + \",\";\n responseText += 'qop=auth';\n\n this.onChallenge = function () {\n return \"\";\n };\n\n return responseText;\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLMD5.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLMD5;\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLOAuthBearer\n * SASL OAuth Bearer authentication.\n */\n Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer = function () {\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"OAUTHBEARER\", true, 50);\n\n Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer.prototype.test = function (connection) {\n return connection.authcid !== null;\n };\n\n Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer.prototype.onChallenge = function (connection) {\n var auth_str = 'n,a=';\n auth_str = auth_str + connection.authzid;\n auth_str = auth_str + ',';\n auth_str = auth_str + \"\\u0001\";\n auth_str = auth_str + 'auth=Bearer ';\n auth_str = auth_str + connection.pass;\n auth_str = auth_str + \"\\u0001\";\n auth_str = auth_str + \"\\u0001\";\n return utils.utf16to8(auth_str);\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLOAuthBearer;\n\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: SASLExternal\n * SASL EXTERNAL authentication.\n *\n * The EXTERNAL mechanism allows a client to request the server to use\n * credentials established by means external to the mechanism to\n * authenticate the client. The external means may be, for instance,\n * TLS services.\n */\n Strophe.SASLExternal = function () {\n };\n Strophe.SASLExternal.prototype = new Strophe.SASLMechanism(\"EXTERNAL\", true, 60);\n\n Strophe.SASLExternal.prototype.onChallenge = function (connection) {\n /** According to XEP-178, an authzid SHOULD NOT be presented when the\n * authcid contained or implied in the client certificate is the JID (i.e.\n * authzid) with which the user wants to log in as.\n *\n * To NOT send the authzid, the user should therefore set the authcid equal\n * to the JID when instantiating a new Strophe.Connection object.\n */\n return connection.authcid === connection.authzid ? '' : connection.authzid;\n };\n\n Strophe.Connection.prototype.mechanisms[Strophe.SASLExternal.prototype.name] = Strophe.SASLExternal;\n\n return {\n Strophe: Strophe,\n $build: $build,\n $msg: $msg,\n $iq: $iq,\n $pres: $pres,\n SHA1: SHA1,\n Base64: Base64,\n MD5: MD5,\n };\n }));\n\n /*\n This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.\n Please see the LICENSE file for details.\n\n Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC\n */\n\n /* jshint undef: true, unused: true:, noarg: true, latedef: true */\n /* global define, window, setTimeout, clearTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject, Strophe, $build */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-bosh', ['strophe-core'], function (core) {\n return factory(\n core.Strophe,\n core.$build\n );\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n return factory(Strophe, $build);\n }\n }(this, function (Strophe, $build) {\n\n /** PrivateClass: Strophe.Request\n * _Private_ helper class that provides a cross implementation abstraction\n * for a BOSH related XMLHttpRequest.\n *\n * The Strophe.Request class is used internally to encapsulate BOSH request\n * information. It is not meant to be used from user's code.\n */\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Request\n * Create and initialize a new Strophe.Request object.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (XMLElement) elem - The XML data to be sent in the request.\n * (Function) func - The function that will be called when the\n * XMLHttpRequest readyState changes.\n * (Integer) rid - The BOSH rid attribute associated with this request.\n * (Integer) sends - The number of times this same request has been\n * sent.\n */\n Strophe.Request = function (elem, func, rid, sends) {\n this.id = ++Strophe._requestId;\n this.xmlData = elem;\n this.data = Strophe.serialize(elem);\n // save original function in case we need to make a new request\n // from this one.\n this.origFunc = func;\n this.func = func;\n this.rid = rid;\n this.date = NaN;\n this.sends = sends || 0;\n this.abort = false;\n this.dead = null;\n\n this.age = function () {\n if (!this.date) {\n return 0;\n }\n var now = new Date();\n return (now - this.date) / 1000;\n };\n this.timeDead = function () {\n if (!this.dead) {\n return 0;\n }\n var now = new Date();\n return (now - this.dead) / 1000;\n };\n this.xhr = this._newXHR();\n };\n\n Strophe.Request.prototype = {\n /** PrivateFunction: getResponse\n * Get a response from the underlying XMLHttpRequest.\n *\n * This function attempts to get a response from the request and checks\n * for errors.\n *\n * Throws:\n * \"parsererror\" - A parser error occured.\n * \"badformat\" - The entity has sent XML that cannot be processed.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The DOM element tree of the response.\n */\n getResponse: function () {\n var node = null;\n if (this.xhr.responseXML && this.xhr.responseXML.documentElement) {\n node = this.xhr.responseXML.documentElement;\n if (node.tagName == \"parsererror\") {\n Strophe.error(\"invalid response received\");\n Strophe.error(\"responseText: \" + this.xhr.responseText);\n Strophe.error(\"responseXML: \" +\n Strophe.serialize(this.xhr.responseXML));\n throw \"parsererror\";\n }\n } else if (this.xhr.responseText) {\n Strophe.error(\"invalid response received\");\n Strophe.error(\"responseText: \" + this.xhr.responseText);\n throw \"badformat\";\n }\n\n return node;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _newXHR\n * _Private_ helper function to create XMLHttpRequests.\n *\n * This function creates XMLHttpRequests across all implementations.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new XMLHttpRequest.\n */\n _newXHR: function () {\n var xhr = null;\n if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {\n xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {\n xhr.overrideMimeType(\"text/xml; charset=utf-8\");\n }\n } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {\n xhr = new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\n }\n // use Function.bind() to prepend ourselves as an argument\n xhr.onreadystatechange = this.func.bind(null, this);\n return xhr;\n }\n };\n\n /** Class: Strophe.Bosh\n * _Private_ helper class that handles BOSH Connections\n *\n * The Strophe.Bosh class is used internally by Strophe.Connection\n * to encapsulate BOSH sessions. It is not meant to be used from user's code.\n */\n\n /** File: bosh.js\n * A JavaScript library to enable BOSH in Strophejs.\n *\n * this library uses Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH)\n * to emulate a persistent, stateful, two-way connection to an XMPP server.\n * More information on BOSH can be found in XEP 124.\n */\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Bosh\n * Create and initialize a Strophe.Bosh object.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Connection) connection - The Strophe.Connection that will use BOSH.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.Bosh object.\n */\n Strophe.Bosh = function (connection) {\n this._conn = connection;\n /* request id for body tags */\n this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);\n /* The current session ID. */\n this.sid = null;\n\n // default BOSH values\n this.hold = 1;\n this.wait = 60;\n this.window = 5;\n this.errors = 0;\n\n this._requests = [];\n };\n\n Strophe.Bosh.prototype = {\n /** Variable: strip\n *\n * BOSH-Connections will have all stanzas wrapped in a tag when\n * passed to or .\n * To strip this tag, User code can set to \"body\":\n *\n * > Strophe.Bosh.prototype.strip = \"body\";\n *\n * This will enable stripping of the body tag in both\n * and .\n */\n strip: null,\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _buildBody\n * _Private_ helper function to generate the wrapper for BOSH.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A Strophe.Builder with a element.\n */\n _buildBody: function () {\n var bodyWrap = $build('body', {\n rid: this.rid++,\n xmlns: Strophe.NS.HTTPBIND\n });\n if (this.sid !== null) {\n bodyWrap.attrs({sid: this.sid});\n }\n if (this._conn.options.keepalive && this._conn._sessionCachingSupported()) {\n this._cacheSession();\n }\n return bodyWrap;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _reset\n * Reset the connection.\n *\n * This function is called by the reset function of the Strophe Connection\n */\n _reset: function () {\n this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);\n this.sid = null;\n this.errors = 0;\n if (this._conn._sessionCachingSupported()) {\n window.sessionStorage.removeItem('strophe-bosh-session');\n }\n\n this._conn.nextValidRid(this.rid);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect\n * _Private_ function that initializes the BOSH connection.\n *\n * Creates and sends the Request that initializes the BOSH connection.\n */\n _connect: function (wait, hold, route) {\n this.wait = wait || this.wait;\n this.hold = hold || this.hold;\n this.errors = 0;\n\n // build the body tag\n var body = this._buildBody().attrs({\n to: this._conn.domain,\n \"xml:lang\": \"en\",\n wait: this.wait,\n hold: this.hold,\n content: \"text/xml; charset=utf-8\",\n ver: \"1.6\",\n \"xmpp:version\": \"1.0\",\n \"xmlns:xmpp\": Strophe.NS.BOSH\n });\n\n if (route) {\n body.attrs({\n route: route\n });\n }\n\n var _connect_cb = this._conn._connect_cb;\n\n this._requests.push(\n new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),\n this._onRequestStateChange.bind(\n this, _connect_cb.bind(this._conn)),\n body.tree().getAttribute(\"rid\")));\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _attach\n * Attach to an already created and authenticated BOSH session.\n *\n * This function is provided to allow Strophe to attach to BOSH\n * sessions which have been created externally, perhaps by a Web\n * application. This is often used to support auto-login type features\n * without putting user credentials into the page.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - The full JID that is bound by the session.\n * (String) sid - The SID of the BOSH session.\n * (String) rid - The current RID of the BOSH session. This RID\n * will be used by the next request.\n * (Function) callback The connect callback function.\n * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the\n * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for\n * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.\n * Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.\n * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the\n * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This\n * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).\n * (Integer) wind - The optional HTTBIND window value. This is the\n * allowed range of request ids that are valid. The default is 5.\n */\n _attach: function (jid, sid, rid, callback, wait, hold, wind) {\n this._conn.jid = jid;\n this.sid = sid;\n this.rid = rid;\n\n this._conn.connect_callback = callback;\n\n this._conn.domain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(this._conn.jid);\n\n this._conn.authenticated = true;\n this._conn.connected = true;\n\n this.wait = wait || this.wait;\n this.hold = hold || this.hold;\n this.window = wind || this.window;\n\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.ATTACHED, null);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _restore\n * Attempt to restore a cached BOSH session\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (String) jid - The full JID that is bound by the session.\n * This parameter is optional but recommended, specifically in cases\n * where prebinded BOSH sessions are used where it's important to know\n * that the right session is being restored.\n * (Function) callback The connect callback function.\n * (Integer) wait - The optional HTTPBIND wait value. This is the\n * time the server will wait before returning an empty result for\n * a request. The default setting of 60 seconds is recommended.\n * Other settings will require tweaks to the Strophe.TIMEOUT value.\n * (Integer) hold - The optional HTTPBIND hold value. This is the\n * number of connections the server will hold at one time. This\n * should almost always be set to 1 (the default).\n * (Integer) wind - The optional HTTBIND window value. This is the\n * allowed range of request ids that are valid. The default is 5.\n */\n _restore: function (jid, callback, wait, hold, wind) {\n var session = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('strophe-bosh-session'));\n if (typeof session !== \"undefined\" &&\n session !== null &&\n session.rid &&\n session.sid &&\n session.jid &&\n (typeof jid === \"undefined\" || jid === null || Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(session.jid) == Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid))) {\n this._conn.restored = true;\n this._attach(session.jid, session.sid, session.rid, callback, wait, hold, wind);\n } else {\n throw {name: \"StropheSessionError\", message: \"_restore: no restoreable session.\"};\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _cacheSession\n * _Private_ handler for the beforeunload event.\n *\n * This handler is used to process the Bosh-part of the initial request.\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) bodyWrap - The received stanza.\n */\n _cacheSession: function () {\n if (this._conn.authenticated) {\n if (this._conn.jid && this.rid && this.sid) {\n window.sessionStorage.setItem('strophe-bosh-session', JSON.stringify({\n 'jid': this._conn.jid,\n 'rid': this.rid,\n 'sid': this.sid\n }));\n }\n } else {\n window.sessionStorage.removeItem('strophe-bosh-session');\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect_cb\n * _Private_ handler for initial connection request.\n *\n * This handler is used to process the Bosh-part of the initial request.\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) bodyWrap - The received stanza.\n */\n _connect_cb: function (bodyWrap) {\n var typ = bodyWrap.getAttribute(\"type\");\n var cond, conflict;\n if (typ !== null && typ == \"terminate\") {\n // an error occurred\n cond = bodyWrap.getAttribute(\"condition\");\n Strophe.error(\"BOSH-Connection failed: \" + cond);\n conflict = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"conflict\");\n if (cond !== null) {\n if (cond == \"remote-stream-error\" && conflict.length > 0) {\n cond = \"conflict\";\n }\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, cond);\n } else {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, \"unknown\");\n }\n this._conn._doDisconnect(cond);\n return Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL;\n }\n\n // check to make sure we don't overwrite these if _connect_cb is\n // called multiple times in the case of missing stream:features\n if (!this.sid) {\n this.sid = bodyWrap.getAttribute(\"sid\");\n }\n var wind = bodyWrap.getAttribute('requests');\n if (wind) {\n this.window = parseInt(wind, 10);\n }\n var hold = bodyWrap.getAttribute('hold');\n if (hold) {\n this.hold = parseInt(hold, 10);\n }\n var wait = bodyWrap.getAttribute('wait');\n if (wait) {\n this.wait = parseInt(wait, 10);\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _disconnect\n * _Private_ part of Connection.disconnect for Bosh\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Request) pres - This stanza will be sent before disconnecting.\n */\n _disconnect: function (pres) {\n this._sendTerminate(pres);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _doDisconnect\n * _Private_ function to disconnect.\n *\n * Resets the SID and RID.\n */\n _doDisconnect: function () {\n this.sid = null;\n this.rid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4294967295);\n if (this._conn._sessionCachingSupported()) {\n window.sessionStorage.removeItem('strophe-bosh-session');\n }\n\n this._conn.nextValidRid(this.rid);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _emptyQueue\n * _Private_ function to check if the Request queue is empty.\n *\n * Returns:\n * True, if there are no Requests queued, False otherwise.\n */\n _emptyQueue: function () {\n return this._requests.length === 0;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _hitError\n * _Private_ function to handle the error count.\n *\n * Requests are resent automatically until their error count reaches\n * 5. Each time an error is encountered, this function is called to\n * increment the count and disconnect if the count is too high.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) reqStatus - The request status.\n */\n _hitError: function (reqStatus) {\n this.errors++;\n Strophe.warn(\"request errored, status: \" + reqStatus +\n \", number of errors: \" + this.errors);\n if (this.errors > 4) {\n this._conn._onDisconnectTimeout();\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _no_auth_received\n *\n * Called on stream start/restart when no stream:features\n * has been received and sends a blank poll request.\n */\n _no_auth_received: function (_callback) {\n if (_callback) {\n _callback = _callback.bind(this._conn);\n } else {\n _callback = this._conn._connect_cb.bind(this._conn);\n }\n var body = this._buildBody();\n this._requests.push(\n new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),\n this._onRequestStateChange.bind(\n this, _callback.bind(this._conn)),\n body.tree().getAttribute(\"rid\")));\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onDisconnectTimeout\n * _Private_ timeout handler for handling non-graceful disconnection.\n *\n * Cancels all remaining Requests and clears the queue.\n */\n _onDisconnectTimeout: function () {\n this._abortAllRequests();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _abortAllRequests\n * _Private_ helper function that makes sure all pending requests are aborted.\n */\n _abortAllRequests: function _abortAllRequests() {\n var req;\n while (this._requests.length > 0) {\n req = this._requests.pop();\n req.abort = true;\n req.xhr.abort();\n // jslint complains, but this is fine. setting to empty func\n // is necessary for IE6\n req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n }; // jshint ignore:line\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onIdle\n * _Private_ handler called by Strophe.Connection._onIdle\n *\n * Sends all queued Requests or polls with empty Request if there are none.\n */\n _onIdle: function () {\n var data = this._conn._data;\n\n // if no requests are in progress, poll\n if (this._conn.authenticated && this._requests.length === 0 &&\n data.length === 0 && !this._conn.disconnecting) {\n Strophe.info(\"no requests during idle cycle, sending \" +\n \"blank request\");\n data.push(null);\n }\n\n if (this._conn.paused) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._requests.length < 2 && data.length > 0) {\n var body = this._buildBody();\n for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {\n if (data[i] !== null) {\n if (data[i] === \"restart\") {\n body.attrs({\n to: this._conn.domain,\n \"xml:lang\": \"en\",\n \"xmpp:restart\": \"true\",\n \"xmlns:xmpp\": Strophe.NS.BOSH\n });\n } else {\n body.cnode(data[i]).up();\n }\n }\n }\n delete this._conn._data;\n this._conn._data = [];\n this._requests.push(\n new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),\n this._onRequestStateChange.bind(\n this, this._conn._dataRecv.bind(this._conn)),\n body.tree().getAttribute(\"rid\")));\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n }\n\n if (this._requests.length > 0) {\n var time_elapsed = this._requests[0].age();\n if (this._requests[0].dead !== null) {\n if (this._requests[0].timeDead() >\n Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait)) {\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n }\n }\n\n if (time_elapsed > Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait)) {\n Strophe.warn(\"Request \" +\n this._requests[0].id +\n \" timed out, over \" + Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait) +\n \" seconds since last activity\");\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n }\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onRequestStateChange\n * _Private_ handler for Strophe.Request state changes.\n *\n * This function is called when the XMLHttpRequest readyState changes.\n * It contains a lot of error handling logic for the many ways that\n * requests can fail, and calls the request callback when requests\n * succeed.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Function) func - The handler for the request.\n * (Strophe.Request) req - The request that is changing readyState.\n */\n _onRequestStateChange: function (func, req) {\n Strophe.debug(\"request id \" + req.id +\n \".\" + req.sends + \" state changed to \" +\n req.xhr.readyState);\n\n if (req.abort) {\n req.abort = false;\n return;\n }\n\n // request complete\n var reqStatus;\n if (req.xhr.readyState == 4) {\n reqStatus = 0;\n try {\n reqStatus = req.xhr.status;\n } catch (e) {\n // ignore errors from undefined status attribute. works\n // around a browser bug\n }\n\n if (typeof(reqStatus) == \"undefined\") {\n reqStatus = 0;\n }\n\n if (this.disconnecting) {\n if (reqStatus >= 400) {\n this._hitError(reqStatus);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n var reqIs0 = (this._requests[0] == req);\n var reqIs1 = (this._requests[1] == req);\n\n if ((reqStatus > 0 && reqStatus < 500) || req.sends > 5) {\n // remove from internal queue\n this._removeRequest(req);\n Strophe.debug(\"request id \" +\n req.id +\n \" should now be removed\");\n }\n\n // request succeeded\n if (reqStatus == 200) {\n // if request 1 finished, or request 0 finished and request\n // 1 is over Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT seconds old, we need to\n // restart the other - both will be in the first spot, as the\n // completed request has been removed from the queue already\n if (reqIs1 ||\n (reqIs0 && this._requests.length > 0 &&\n this._requests[0].age() > Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait))) {\n this._restartRequest(0);\n }\n\n this._conn.nextValidRid(Number(req.rid) + 1);\n\n // call handler\n Strophe.debug(\"request id \" +\n req.id + \".\" +\n req.sends + \" got 200\");\n func(req);\n this.errors = 0;\n } else {\n Strophe.error(\"request id \" +\n req.id + \".\" +\n req.sends + \" error \" + reqStatus +\n \" happened\");\n if (reqStatus === 0 ||\n (reqStatus >= 400 && reqStatus < 600) ||\n reqStatus >= 12000) {\n this._hitError(reqStatus);\n if (reqStatus >= 400 && reqStatus < 500) {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING, null);\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!((reqStatus > 0 && reqStatus < 500) ||\n req.sends > 5)) {\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n }\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _processRequest\n * _Private_ function to process a request in the queue.\n *\n * This function takes requests off the queue and sends them and\n * restarts dead requests.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) i - The index of the request in the queue.\n */\n _processRequest: function (i) {\n var self = this;\n var req = this._requests[i];\n var reqStatus = -1;\n\n try {\n if (req.xhr.readyState == 4) {\n reqStatus = req.xhr.status;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n Strophe.error(\"caught an error in _requests[\" + i +\n \"], reqStatus: \" + reqStatus);\n }\n\n if (typeof(reqStatus) == \"undefined\") {\n reqStatus = -1;\n }\n\n // make sure we limit the number of retries\n if (req.sends > this._conn.maxRetries) {\n this._conn._onDisconnectTimeout();\n return;\n }\n\n var time_elapsed = req.age();\n var primaryTimeout = (!isNaN(time_elapsed) &&\n time_elapsed > Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait));\n var secondaryTimeout = (req.dead !== null &&\n req.timeDead() > Math.floor(Strophe.SECONDARY_TIMEOUT * this.wait));\n var requestCompletedWithServerError = (req.xhr.readyState == 4 &&\n (reqStatus < 1 ||\n reqStatus >= 500));\n if (primaryTimeout || secondaryTimeout ||\n requestCompletedWithServerError) {\n if (secondaryTimeout) {\n Strophe.error(\"Request \" +\n this._requests[i].id +\n \" timed out (secondary), restarting\");\n }\n req.abort = true;\n req.xhr.abort();\n // setting to null fails on IE6, so set to empty function\n req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n };\n this._requests[i] = new Strophe.Request(req.xmlData,\n req.origFunc,\n req.rid,\n req.sends);\n req = this._requests[i];\n }\n\n if (req.xhr.readyState === 0) {\n Strophe.debug(\"request id \" + req.id +\n \".\" + req.sends + \" posting\");\n\n try {\n var contentType = this._conn.options.contentType || \"text/xml; charset=utf-8\";\n req.xhr.open(\"POST\", this._conn.service, this._conn.options.sync ? false : true);\n req.xhr.setRequestHeader && req.xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", contentType);\n if (this._conn.options.withCredentials) {\n req.xhr.withCredentials = true;\n }\n } catch (e2) {\n Strophe.error(\"XHR open failed.\");\n if (!this._conn.connected) {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL,\n \"bad-service\");\n }\n this._conn.disconnect();\n return;\n }\n\n // Fires the XHR request -- may be invoked immediately\n // or on a gradually expanding retry window for reconnects\n var self = this\n var sendFunc = function () {\n req.date = new Date();\n if (self._conn.options.customHeaders) {\n var headers = self._conn.options.customHeaders;\n for (var header in headers) {\n if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {\n req.xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header]);\n }\n }\n }\n // fix: ie8 req state error\n window.XDomainRequest && (req.xhr.readyState = 2)\n req.xhr.send(req.data);\n };\n\n // Implement progressive backoff for reconnects --\n // First retry (send == 1) should also be instantaneous\n if (req.sends > 1) {\n // Using a cube of the retry number creates a nicely\n // expanding retry window\n var backoff = Math.min(Math.floor(Strophe.TIMEOUT * this.wait),\n Math.pow(req.sends, 3)) * 1000;\n\n // XXX: setTimeout should be called only with function expressions (23974bc1)\n setTimeout(function () {\n sendFunc();\n }, backoff);\n } else {\n sendFunc();\n }\n\n req.sends++;\n\n if (this._conn.xmlOutput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.xmlOutput) {\n if (req.xmlData.nodeName === this.strip && req.xmlData.childNodes.length) {\n this._conn.xmlOutput(req.xmlData.childNodes[0]);\n } else {\n this._conn.xmlOutput(req.xmlData);\n }\n }\n if (this._conn.rawOutput !== Strophe.Connection.prototype.rawOutput) {\n this._conn.rawOutput(req.data);\n }\n } else {\n Strophe.debug(\"_processRequest: \" +\n (i === 0 ? \"first\" : \"second\") +\n \" request has readyState of \" +\n req.xhr.readyState);\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _removeRequest\n * _Private_ function to remove a request from the queue.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) req - The request to remove.\n */\n _removeRequest: function (req) {\n Strophe.debug(\"removing request\");\n\n var i;\n for (i = this._requests.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (req == this._requests[i]) {\n this._requests.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // IE6 fails on setting to null, so set to empty function\n req.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n };\n\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _restartRequest\n * _Private_ function to restart a request that is presumed dead.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Integer) i - The index of the request in the queue.\n */\n _restartRequest: function (i) {\n var req = this._requests[i];\n if (req.dead === null) {\n req.dead = new Date();\n }\n\n this._processRequest(i);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _reqToData\n * _Private_ function to get a stanza out of a request.\n *\n * Tries to extract a stanza out of a Request Object.\n * When this fails the current connection will be disconnected.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) req - The Request.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The stanza that was passed.\n */\n _reqToData: function (req) {\n try {\n return req.getResponse();\n } catch (e) {\n if (e != \"parsererror\") {\n throw e;\n }\n this._conn.disconnect(\"strophe-parsererror\");\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sendTerminate\n * _Private_ function to send initial disconnect sequence.\n *\n * This is the first step in a graceful disconnect. It sends\n * the BOSH server a terminate body and includes an unavailable\n * presence if authentication has completed.\n */\n _sendTerminate: function (pres) {\n Strophe.info(\"_sendTerminate was called\");\n var body = this._buildBody().attrs({type: \"terminate\"});\n\n if (pres) {\n body.cnode(pres.tree());\n }\n\n var req = new Strophe.Request(body.tree(),\n this._onRequestStateChange.bind(\n this, this._conn._dataRecv.bind(this._conn)),\n body.tree().getAttribute(\"rid\"));\n\n this._requests.push(req);\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _send\n * _Private_ part of the Connection.send function for BOSH\n *\n * Just triggers the RequestHandler to send the messages that are in the queue\n */\n _send: function () {\n clearTimeout(this._conn._idleTimeout);\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n\n // XXX: setTimeout should be called only with function expressions (23974bc1)\n this._conn._idleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n this._onIdle();\n }.bind(this._conn), 100);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sendRestart\n *\n * Send an xmpp:restart stanza.\n */\n _sendRestart: function () {\n this._throttledRequestHandler();\n clearTimeout(this._conn._idleTimeout);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _throttledRequestHandler\n * _Private_ function to throttle requests to the connection window.\n *\n * This function makes sure we don't send requests so fast that the\n * request ids overflow the connection window in the case that one\n * request died.\n */\n _throttledRequestHandler: function () {\n if (!this._requests) {\n Strophe.debug(\"_throttledRequestHandler called with \" +\n \"undefined requests\");\n } else {\n Strophe.debug(\"_throttledRequestHandler called with \" +\n this._requests.length + \" requests\");\n }\n\n if (!this._requests || this._requests.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._requests.length > 0) {\n this._processRequest(0);\n }\n\n if (this._requests.length > 1 &&\n Math.abs(this._requests[0].rid -\n this._requests[1].rid) < this.window) {\n this._processRequest(1);\n }\n }\n };\n return Strophe;\n }));\n\n /*\n This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.\n Please see the LICENSE file for details.\n\n Copyright 2006-2008, OGG, LLC\n */\n\n /* jshint undef: true, unused: true:, noarg: true, latedef: true */\n /* global define, window, clearTimeout, WebSocket, DOMParser, Strophe, $build */\n\n (function (root, factory) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define('strophe-websocket', ['strophe-core'], function (core) {\n return factory(\n core.Strophe,\n core.$build\n );\n });\n } else {\n // Browser globals\n return factory(Strophe, $build);\n }\n }(this, function (Strophe, $build) {\n\n /** Class: Strophe.WebSocket\n * _Private_ helper class that handles WebSocket Connections\n *\n * The Strophe.WebSocket class is used internally by Strophe.Connection\n * to encapsulate WebSocket sessions. It is not meant to be used from user's code.\n */\n\n /** File: websocket.js\n * A JavaScript library to enable XMPP over Websocket in Strophejs.\n *\n * This file implements XMPP over WebSockets for Strophejs.\n * If a Connection is established with a Websocket url (ws://...)\n * Strophe will use WebSockets.\n * For more information on XMPP-over-WebSocket see RFC 7395:\n * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7395\n *\n * WebSocket support implemented by Andreas Guth (andreas.guth@rwth-aachen.de)\n */\n\n /** PrivateConstructor: Strophe.Websocket\n * Create and initialize a Strophe.WebSocket object.\n * Currently only sets the connection Object.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Connection) connection - The Strophe.Connection that will use WebSockets.\n *\n * Returns:\n * A new Strophe.WebSocket object.\n */\n Strophe.Websocket = function (connection) {\n this._conn = connection;\n this.strip = \"wrapper\";\n\n var service = connection.service;\n if (service.indexOf(\"ws:\") !== 0 && service.indexOf(\"wss:\") !== 0) {\n // If the service is not an absolute URL, assume it is a path and put the absolute\n // URL together from options, current URL and the path.\n var new_service = \"\";\n\n if (connection.options.protocol === \"ws\" && window.location.protocol !== \"https:\") {\n new_service += \"ws\";\n } else {\n new_service += \"wss\";\n }\n\n new_service += \"://\" + window.location.host;\n\n if (service.indexOf(\"/\") !== 0) {\n new_service += window.location.pathname + service;\n } else {\n new_service += service;\n }\n\n connection.service = new_service;\n }\n };\n\n Strophe.Websocket.prototype = {\n /** PrivateFunction: _buildStream\n * _Private_ helper function to generate the start tag for WebSockets\n *\n * Returns:\n * A Strophe.Builder with a element.\n */\n _buildStream: function () {\n return $build(\"open\", {\n \"xmlns\": Strophe.NS.FRAMING,\n \"to\": this._conn.domain,\n \"version\": '1.0'\n });\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _check_streamerror\n * _Private_ checks a message for stream:error\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) bodyWrap - The received stanza.\n * connectstatus - The ConnectStatus that will be set on error.\n * Returns:\n * true if there was a streamerror, false otherwise.\n */\n _check_streamerror: function (bodyWrap, connectstatus) {\n var errors;\n if (bodyWrap.getElementsByTagNameNS) {\n errors = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.STREAM, \"error\");\n } else {\n errors = bodyWrap.getElementsByTagName(\"stream:error\");\n }\n if (errors.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n var error = errors[0];\n\n var condition = \"\";\n var text = \"\";\n\n var ns = \"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams\";\n for (var i = 0; i < error.childNodes.length; i++) {\n var e = error.childNodes[i];\n if (e.getAttribute(\"xmlns\") !== ns) {\n break;\n }\n if (e.nodeName === \"text\") {\n text = e.textContent;\n } else {\n condition = e.nodeName;\n }\n }\n\n var errorString = \"WebSocket stream error: \";\n\n if (condition) {\n errorString += condition;\n } else {\n errorString += \"unknown\";\n }\n\n if (text) {\n errorString += \" - \" + condition;\n }\n\n Strophe.error(errorString);\n\n // close the connection on stream_error\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(connectstatus, condition);\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n return true;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _reset\n * Reset the connection.\n *\n * This function is called by the reset function of the Strophe Connection.\n * Is not needed by WebSockets.\n */\n _reset: function () {\n return;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect\n * _Private_ function called by Strophe.Connection.connect\n *\n * Creates a WebSocket for a connection and assigns Callbacks to it.\n * Does nothing if there already is a WebSocket.\n */\n _connect: function () {\n // Ensure that there is no open WebSocket from a previous Connection.\n this._closeSocket();\n\n // Create the new WobSocket\n this.socket = new WebSocket(this._conn.service, \"xmpp\");\n this.socket.onopen = this._onOpen.bind(this);\n this.socket.onerror = this._onError.bind(this);\n this.socket.onclose = this._onClose.bind(this);\n this.socket.onmessage = this._connect_cb_wrapper.bind(this);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect_cb\n * _Private_ function called by Strophe.Connection._connect_cb\n *\n * checks for stream:error\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Strophe.Request) bodyWrap - The received stanza.\n */\n _connect_cb: function (bodyWrap) {\n var error = this._check_streamerror(bodyWrap, Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL);\n if (error) {\n return Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL;\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _handleStreamStart\n * _Private_ function that checks the opening tag for errors.\n *\n * Disconnects if there is an error and returns false, true otherwise.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Node) message - Stanza containing the tag.\n */\n _handleStreamStart: function (message) {\n var error = false;\n\n // Check for errors in the tag\n var ns = message.getAttribute(\"xmlns\");\n if (typeof ns !== \"string\") {\n error = \"Missing xmlns in \";\n } else if (ns !== Strophe.NS.FRAMING) {\n error = \"Wrong xmlns in : \" + ns;\n }\n\n var ver = message.getAttribute(\"version\");\n if (typeof ver !== \"string\") {\n error = \"Missing version in \";\n } else if (ver !== \"1.0\") {\n error = \"Wrong version in : \" + ver;\n }\n\n if (error) {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, error);\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _connect_cb_wrapper\n * _Private_ function that handles the first connection messages.\n *\n * On receiving an opening stream tag this callback replaces itself with the real\n * message handler. On receiving a stream error the connection is terminated.\n */\n _connect_cb_wrapper: function (message) {\n if (message.data.indexOf(\"\\s*)*/, \"\");\n if (data === '') return;\n\n var streamStart = new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, \"text/xml\").documentElement;\n this._conn.xmlInput(streamStart);\n this._conn.rawInput(message.data);\n\n //_handleStreamSteart will check for XML errors and disconnect on error\n if (this._handleStreamStart(streamStart)) {\n //_connect_cb will check for stream:error and disconnect on error\n this._connect_cb(streamStart);\n }\n } else if (message.data.indexOf(\"') {\n this._conn.rawInput(message.data);\n this._conn.xmlInput(message);\n var see_uri = message.getAttribute(\"see-other-uri\");\n if (see_uri) {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.REDIRECT, \"Received see-other-uri, resetting connection\");\n this._conn.reset();\n this._conn.service = see_uri;\n this._connect();\n } else {\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, \"Received closing stream\");\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n }\n } else {\n var string = this._streamWrap(message.data);\n var elem = new DOMParser().parseFromString(string, \"text/xml\").documentElement;\n this.socket.onmessage = this._onMessage.bind(this);\n this._conn._connect_cb(elem, null, message.data);\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _disconnect\n * _Private_ function called by Strophe.Connection.disconnect\n *\n * Disconnects and sends a last stanza if one is given\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Request) pres - This stanza will be sent before disconnecting.\n */\n _disconnect: function (pres) {\n if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED) {\n if (pres) {\n this._conn.send(pres);\n }\n var close = $build(\"close\", {\"xmlns\": Strophe.NS.FRAMING});\n this._conn.xmlOutput(close);\n var closeString = Strophe.serialize(close);\n this._conn.rawOutput(closeString);\n try {\n this.socket.send(closeString);\n } catch (e) {\n Strophe.info(\"Couldn't send tag.\");\n }\n }\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _doDisconnect\n * _Private_ function to disconnect.\n *\n * Just closes the Socket for WebSockets\n */\n _doDisconnect: function () {\n Strophe.info(\"WebSockets _doDisconnect was called\");\n this._closeSocket();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction _streamWrap\n * _Private_ helper function to wrap a stanza in a tag.\n * This is used so Strophe can process stanzas from WebSockets like BOSH\n */\n _streamWrap: function (stanza) {\n return \"\" + stanza + '';\n },\n\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _closeSocket\n * _Private_ function to close the WebSocket.\n *\n * Closes the socket if it is still open and deletes it\n */\n _closeSocket: function () {\n if (this.socket) {\n try {\n this.socket.close();\n } catch (e) {\n }\n }\n this.socket = null;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _emptyQueue\n * _Private_ function to check if the message queue is empty.\n *\n * Returns:\n * True, because WebSocket messages are send immediately after queueing.\n */\n _emptyQueue: function () {\n return true;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onClose\n * _Private_ function to handle websockets closing.\n *\n * Nothing to do here for WebSockets\n */\n _onClose: function () {\n if (this._conn.connected && !this._conn.disconnecting) {\n Strophe.error(\"Websocket closed unexpectedly\");\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n } else {\n Strophe.info(\"Websocket closed\");\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _no_auth_received\n *\n * Called on stream start/restart when no stream:features\n * has been received.\n */\n _no_auth_received: function (_callback) {\n Strophe.error(\"Server did not send any auth methods\");\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, \"Server did not send any auth methods\");\n if (_callback) {\n _callback = _callback.bind(this._conn);\n _callback();\n }\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onDisconnectTimeout\n * _Private_ timeout handler for handling non-graceful disconnection.\n *\n * This does nothing for WebSockets\n */\n _onDisconnectTimeout: function () {\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _abortAllRequests\n * _Private_ helper function that makes sure all pending requests are aborted.\n */\n _abortAllRequests: function () {\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onError\n * _Private_ function to handle websockets errors.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) error - The websocket error.\n */\n _onError: function (error) {\n Strophe.error(\"Websocket error \" + error);\n this._conn._changeConnectStatus(Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL, \"The WebSocket connection could not be established or was disconnected.\");\n this._disconnect();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onIdle\n * _Private_ function called by Strophe.Connection._onIdle\n *\n * sends all queued stanzas\n */\n _onIdle: function () {\n var data = this._conn._data;\n if (data.length > 0 && !this._conn.paused) {\n for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {\n if (data[i] !== null) {\n var stanza, rawStanza;\n if (data[i] === \"restart\") {\n stanza = this._buildStream().tree();\n } else {\n stanza = data[i];\n }\n rawStanza = Strophe.serialize(stanza);\n this._conn.xmlOutput(stanza);\n this._conn.rawOutput(rawStanza);\n this.socket.send(rawStanza);\n }\n }\n this._conn._data = [];\n }\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onMessage\n * _Private_ function to handle websockets messages.\n *\n * This function parses each of the messages as if they are full documents.\n * [TODO : We may actually want to use a SAX Push parser].\n *\n * Since all XMPP traffic starts with\n * \n *\n * The first stanza will always fail to be parsed.\n *\n * Additionally, the seconds stanza will always be with\n * the stream NS defined in the previous stanza, so we need to 'force'\n * the inclusion of the NS in this stanza.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (string) message - The websocket message.\n */\n _onMessage: function (message) {\n WebIM && WebIM.config.isDebug && Strophe.info(WebIM.utils.ts() + 'recv:', message.data);\n\n var elem, data;\n // check for closing stream\n var close = '';\n if (message.data === close) {\n this._conn.rawInput(close);\n this._conn.xmlInput(message);\n if (!this._conn.disconnecting) {\n this._conn._doDisconnect();\n }\n return;\n } else if (message.data.search(\" tag before we close the connection\n return;\n }\n this._conn._dataRecv(elem, message.data);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _onOpen\n * _Private_ function to handle websockets connection setup.\n *\n * The opening stream tag is sent here.\n */\n _onOpen: function () {\n Strophe.info(\"Websocket open\");\n var start = this._buildStream();\n this._conn.xmlOutput(start.tree());\n\n var startString = Strophe.serialize(start);\n this._conn.rawOutput(startString);\n this.socket.send(startString);\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _reqToData\n * _Private_ function to get a stanza out of a request.\n *\n * WebSockets don't use requests, so the passed argument is just returned.\n *\n * Parameters:\n * (Object) stanza - The stanza.\n *\n * Returns:\n * The stanza that was passed.\n */\n _reqToData: function (stanza) {\n return stanza;\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _send\n * _Private_ part of the Connection.send function for WebSocket\n *\n * Just flushes the messages that are in the queue\n */\n _send: function () {\n this._conn.flush();\n },\n\n /** PrivateFunction: _sendRestart\n *\n * Send an xmpp:restart stanza.\n */\n _sendRestart: function () {\n clearTimeout(this._conn._idleTimeout);\n this._conn._onIdle.bind(this._conn)();\n }\n };\n return Strophe;\n }));\n\n (function (root) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define(\"strophe\", [\n \"strophe-core\",\n \"strophe-bosh\",\n \"strophe-websocket\"\n ], function (wrapper) {\n return wrapper;\n });\n }\n })(this);\n\n /* jshint ignore:start */\n if (callback) {\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n //For backwards compatability\n var n_callback = callback;\n if (typeof requirejs === 'function') {\n requirejs([\"strophe\"], function (o) {\n n_callback(o.Strophe, o.$build, o.$msg, o.$iq, o.$pres);\n });\n } else {\n require([\"strophe\"], function (o) {\n n_callback(o.Strophe, o.$build, o.$msg, o.$iq, o.$pres);\n });\n }\n } else {\n return callback(Strophe, $build, $msg, $iq, $pres);\n }\n }\n\n\n})(function (Strophe, build, msg, iq, pres) {\n window.Strophe = Strophe;\n window.$build = build;\n window.$msg = msg;\n window.$iq = iq;\n window.$pres = pres;\n});\n/* jshint ignore:end */\n"]}